I have to take time out and comment on some things that are going on behind the scenes in Washington.
The Department of Interior has announced their plans to designate 470+ parcels of land in Western U.S. as "NATIONAL MONUMENTS", circumventing Congress in the process. What does this REALLY mean?
At the World Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the UN Agenda 21 was adopted. The U.S. has NOT ratified that agreement. Yet, everything Obama's administration is boldly and rapidly working to implement this plan! Among those elements of the UN plan which have already been implemented in the US are IB World Schools (www.ibo.org), support for a one-world currency, supporting gun control , gobbling up private lands for the sake of "preservation of the environment" and vilifying "tea parties".
Calling those who endorse and participate in the Tea Party movement are called "right wing radicals" by the White House administration, the "main stream media (a misnomer, based on viewership) and bloggers who disagree with the basis for the movement. In reality, the Tea Party movement is the AMERICAN PEOPLE speaking out against the rampant recklessness in Washington! Remember, we are "too stupid" to know what is best for ourselves...we MUST depend upon government to tell us what to do!
The US government owns over 60% of ALL the land in the state of Utah! They own considerable portions of all the other 49 states. This move by the Department of Interior to gobble up even MORE land by declaring them "NATIONAL MONUMENTS" IS A MOVE TO LIMIT OUT FREEDOM TO ENJOY OUR ENVIRONMENT! More and more land is being declared "OFF LIMITS" to humans through moves such as this!
The UN Agenda 21 outlines a program called "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT". What this means is that MOST of the land in the US would be designated as "wildlands", including National Parks, National Monuments, National Forests, Wildlife Preserves and Wilderness designated lands. This appears to be the plan of the Interior Department as well. What Agenda 21 calls for is to ban public access to these lands...only government employees could access to maintain the lands. PEOPLE would be systematically concentrated into highly populated ares known as "cluster cities" (my term, not theirs) which would operate independently from other populations through the process of "sustainable communities", i.e. "self sustaining communes". Have you heard that before? I think it is called "Socialism"!
All of the things mentioned here are part of a Master Plan by the UN to homogenize the population of the entire world, usurping National sovereignty of all states and nations, make everyone "think as one", so as to "dumb" us into submission to the dictates by the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT! Limiting our access to land is a MAJOR part of this plan!
Global Warming has been part of this plan. "Control the Environment, control the population" is the objective. This I call "panic management". This is to say that the sense of panic and urgency implanted into the minds of the population will result in submission to the central powers in solving the "purported cause". Instead of "people", we become the "sheeple"!
Most often than not, what seems innocent and even commendable on the surface, is underwritten by hidden lies, ulterior motives and objectives and moves to limit our freedoms for "the common good" (in THEIR minds)!
There is MUCH more that I could say here, but the BOTTOM LINE is this: our freedoms are being taken away from us, one step at a time, behind our backs! Google "UN Agenda 21" and "www.ibo.org" to verify what I am saying and TAKE NOTE of the objectives!
BTW, "The Venus Project" is another source to search. The designs and objectives of that group falls right in line with the objectives of the UN Agenda 21 program. Like it or not, the current administration in Washington is lock-step with this plan!
There is MORE...don't get me started on FEMA Camps...I am still researching this aspect of Federal activity to see how it fits...but it DOES fit!
[Before I am accused of or get reported for inciting riots, I ABHOR VIOLENCE and strongly recommend against it! INDIVIDUAL VOICES, IN UNISON WITH OTHER INDIVIDUALS, IS MORE EFFECTIVE THAN ANY FORM OF COMBAT!]
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Friday, February 19, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
In surveys over the years, some 85% (+-) of Americans believe in GOD. In a recent survey by ABC News/Washington Post indicates that 81% of Americans support the use of CANNABIS for medical purposes. Is it, therefore, reasonable to assume that the vast majority of those who believe in God also support "Medical Marijuana" use and legal availability? The numbers support that hypothesis.
Yet, among those with strong faith, including ministers and church leaders and devoutly religious church members, many are often reticent to vocalize their position in fear that friends, colleagues and, yes, fellow church members, MIGHT find fault with them for speaking out. Why should that be?
The scientific name for HEMP is cannabis. There are a number of strains of Cannabis which have different properties and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content. Some, with little or no THC content, are more suited for industrial use as a product source, such as biofuels, paper, cloth, etc. Some have much higher THC content (producing dronobinal) which makes it suitable for medical use. THC is a compound (C12H30O2) defined as "the physiologically active component in cannabis preparations (marijuana, for example) derived from the [Indian] hemp plant [or produced synthetically]". The natural compound is the most medically beneficial, while the chemically produced synthetic compound (Merinol - synthetic dronabinal) is less effective, based upon actual use by patients.
Marijuana is an invented word and is not the term used to describe cannabis in history. The word Marijuana came into being in the late 1800's and is derived from Spanish words traced to the name Maria Juana (look it up). In other words, it is a "nickname" so to speak, usually applied to the smoking of cannabis leaves.
Because of the promulgation of propaganda (the movie "Reefer Madness", for example) regarding "marijuana" use from the early 20th century to date, and the ARBITRARY designation of "marijuana" as a SCHEDULE I NARCOTIC (with Morphine, Heroine, Cocaine, Opium, etc.) by Richard Nixon, the term has had negative connotations which prevail today. Unfortunately, the propaganda is based on twisted facts, a plethora of outright lies and intentionally misleading information with no basis in fact. The ban of marijuana and hemp is a result of self-serving big money industrialists and legislation resulting from their selfish interests. Its classification as a SCHEDULE I NARCOTIC cannot be justified, based upon FACT!
The italicized information above leads to an ingrained fear among Americans of "getting in trouble" for speaking out. They fear admonishment by peers and/or harassment or possible prosecution by law enforcement or being categorized in a negative way by "somebody".
Before I began my crusade as an advocate for the legalization of Cannabis (Marijuana) for medical use, I did extensive research over a period of almost two years. The more I learned, the more I realized that its ban is based upon false premises and has NOTHING to do with its actual properties, uses or benefits! Armed with the FACTS gleaned from my research, I am now "front and center" to try to influence legalization of cannabis for medical purposes. Moreover, I am also an activist for legalizing the production of Industrial Hemp in the United States (covered in other of my blogs).
The benefits of cannabis for medical purposes is well documented, despite the intentional squelching of controlled studies and scientific research by our government. Suffering patients who have used cannabis KNOW its benefits, including allowing them the ability to FUNCTION and not be tied down by the debilitating effects of their disease(s) and/or injuries AND THE PRESCRIPTION DRUGS THEY ARE FORCED BY LAW TO TAKE! Chronic pain patients comprise the largest group of patients, since that is the result from numerous diseases, injuries and many physiological and neurological conditions. Many psychological problems, such as those related to PTSD, are also benefited from cannabis use.
Believing in God and being a person of faith is one of the most pertinent REASONS for supporting the legalization of cannabis production, availability and use for medical purposes! Cannabis is a SAFE alternative to PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (almost all very addictive derivatives from Opium) which have as one of their side effects, the possibility of causing DEATH! Most people accept whatever is prescribed to them by their doctor as being safe, despite the warnings to the contrary. Recently, that mindset is being challenged by many concerned people, and rightly so!
THE NEGATIVE CONNOTATIONS PLACED UPON CANNABIS (MARIJUANA) IS PRIMARILY, IF NOT ONLY, BECAUSE THE SUBSTANCE IS ILLEGAL BY FEDERAL LAW! 14 states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation legalizing the use of cannabis for medical reasons, allows physicians to prescribe it, and provides certain means for its availability and dispensation. The methodology varies among these state laws. Regardless, the DEA and many local law enforcement agencies continue to harass patients, arrest them, convict them and jail them...just because the alternative medicine they use is ILLEGAL by Federal Law...so much for States Rights! (Another issue for another blog).
Until the FEDERAL laws are changed, getting legalization passed in each state is the primary task at hand, although a lot of pressure is being placed upon Washington in that regard. The MORE STATES that pass MEDICAL MARIJUANA LAWS, the harder it will be for Washington to continue to ignore the American people's wishes!
To summarize the point of this blog, if you believe in God, are secure in your Faith and/or consider yourself religious, do not hide behind the excuse of fear of retribution and support the legalization of cannabis (Marijuana) for MEDICAL PURPOSES. It is your right (FIRST AMENDMENT) and the right thing to do!
Note: All assertions in this blog are based upon FACTS obtained from many sources, including the Bible, dictionaries, websites and verified news sources.
Yet, among those with strong faith, including ministers and church leaders and devoutly religious church members, many are often reticent to vocalize their position in fear that friends, colleagues and, yes, fellow church members, MIGHT find fault with them for speaking out. Why should that be?
The scientific name for HEMP is cannabis. There are a number of strains of Cannabis which have different properties and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content. Some, with little or no THC content, are more suited for industrial use as a product source, such as biofuels, paper, cloth, etc. Some have much higher THC content (producing dronobinal) which makes it suitable for medical use. THC is a compound (C12H30O2) defined as "the physiologically active component in cannabis preparations (marijuana, for example) derived from the [Indian] hemp plant [or produced synthetically]". The natural compound is the most medically beneficial, while the chemically produced synthetic compound (Merinol - synthetic dronabinal) is less effective, based upon actual use by patients.
Marijuana is an invented word and is not the term used to describe cannabis in history. The word Marijuana came into being in the late 1800's and is derived from Spanish words traced to the name Maria Juana (look it up). In other words, it is a "nickname" so to speak, usually applied to the smoking of cannabis leaves.
Because of the promulgation of propaganda (the movie "Reefer Madness", for example) regarding "marijuana" use from the early 20th century to date, and the ARBITRARY designation of "marijuana" as a SCHEDULE I NARCOTIC (with Morphine, Heroine, Cocaine, Opium, etc.) by Richard Nixon, the term has had negative connotations which prevail today. Unfortunately, the propaganda is based on twisted facts, a plethora of outright lies and intentionally misleading information with no basis in fact. The ban of marijuana and hemp is a result of self-serving big money industrialists and legislation resulting from their selfish interests. Its classification as a SCHEDULE I NARCOTIC cannot be justified, based upon FACT!
The italicized information above leads to an ingrained fear among Americans of "getting in trouble" for speaking out. They fear admonishment by peers and/or harassment or possible prosecution by law enforcement or being categorized in a negative way by "somebody".
Before I began my crusade as an advocate for the legalization of Cannabis (Marijuana) for medical use, I did extensive research over a period of almost two years. The more I learned, the more I realized that its ban is based upon false premises and has NOTHING to do with its actual properties, uses or benefits! Armed with the FACTS gleaned from my research, I am now "front and center" to try to influence legalization of cannabis for medical purposes. Moreover, I am also an activist for legalizing the production of Industrial Hemp in the United States (covered in other of my blogs).
The benefits of cannabis for medical purposes is well documented, despite the intentional squelching of controlled studies and scientific research by our government. Suffering patients who have used cannabis KNOW its benefits, including allowing them the ability to FUNCTION and not be tied down by the debilitating effects of their disease(s) and/or injuries AND THE PRESCRIPTION DRUGS THEY ARE FORCED BY LAW TO TAKE! Chronic pain patients comprise the largest group of patients, since that is the result from numerous diseases, injuries and many physiological and neurological conditions. Many psychological problems, such as those related to PTSD, are also benefited from cannabis use.
Believing in God and being a person of faith is one of the most pertinent REASONS for supporting the legalization of cannabis production, availability and use for medical purposes! Cannabis is a SAFE alternative to PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (almost all very addictive derivatives from Opium) which have as one of their side effects, the possibility of causing DEATH! Most people accept whatever is prescribed to them by their doctor as being safe, despite the warnings to the contrary. Recently, that mindset is being challenged by many concerned people, and rightly so!
THE NEGATIVE CONNOTATIONS PLACED UPON CANNABIS (MARIJUANA) IS PRIMARILY, IF NOT ONLY, BECAUSE THE SUBSTANCE IS ILLEGAL BY FEDERAL LAW! 14 states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation legalizing the use of cannabis for medical reasons, allows physicians to prescribe it, and provides certain means for its availability and dispensation. The methodology varies among these state laws. Regardless, the DEA and many local law enforcement agencies continue to harass patients, arrest them, convict them and jail them...just because the alternative medicine they use is ILLEGAL by Federal Law...so much for States Rights! (Another issue for another blog).
Until the FEDERAL laws are changed, getting legalization passed in each state is the primary task at hand, although a lot of pressure is being placed upon Washington in that regard. The MORE STATES that pass MEDICAL MARIJUANA LAWS, the harder it will be for Washington to continue to ignore the American people's wishes!
To summarize the point of this blog, if you believe in God, are secure in your Faith and/or consider yourself religious, do not hide behind the excuse of fear of retribution and support the legalization of cannabis (Marijuana) for MEDICAL PURPOSES. It is your right (FIRST AMENDMENT) and the right thing to do!
Note: All assertions in this blog are based upon FACTS obtained from many sources, including the Bible, dictionaries, websites and verified news sources.
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