"O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!"
Duplicity is currently in the top 30% of lookups on Merriam-Webster.com.
: contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action; especially : the belying of one's true intentions by deceptive words or action
Dorothy and her band of misfits were led down the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City in the Land of Oz seeking the Wonderful Wizard. We as Americans have been led down a similar path for years, lured by a false promise of Hope and Change We have been shown the illusion of grandeur as a carrot dangled before the rabbit, and we have blindly marched down that seemingly golden path with visions of a Utopian society just ahead. Along the way, silent voices beckon us onward until we reach the promised land and witness the magnificent show and tell orchestrated by our own wizard of masterful magic.

During the performance, we sense that something is not quite right about what we are seeing and hearing. At first, we are confused by rhetoric that paints a picture of progress and increasing prosperity. We are shown a vision of peace through the art of diplomacy replacing the horror of wars. We are continuously promised a realization of our dreams of a better life for all. Then we, out of curiosity, peek behind the offstage curtain.

What is this? Why has the Emerald City turned into brown ruins? Why is there fighting among all the factions? Why are we so divided that we can no longer live together? Why has the vision of Utopia been transformed into chaos of division and oppression? Why am I suddenly feeling depressed and as though I am sinking in quicksand? Was what I imagined only an illusion?
We were told that in order to achieve Utopia, we must first embrace diversity and tolerance. We found ourselves being led to accept concepts and ideologies foreign to our own. Illegal immigrants were transformed into refugees and we were told that they were as American as we. We were told our deficits were being eliminated and the doubling of our national debt was not our concern. We were told that if we just accepted others as ourselves, all would be peace and light.
Yet, we were becoming overwhelmed by irrationalities all around us. Our every move was being watched and was starting to be used against us. We were being told that everything was being done for our own good and that the government knew best. We were seeing our freedoms suppressed in a government effort to whip us into submission to the all powerful. We were being told that we had no rights except as allowed by government. We were being told to put our initiatives aside and just accept what we were being given as the best we could ever expect. We were being dictated a common life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Then we realized that we were being deceived! We were told FORWARD, yet we were going backward. We were told our economy was thriving, yet all indications were contrary. We were being told that there was no inflation, yet the cost of our very basic needs were skyrocketing. We were told that unemployment was reaching near the lowest levels in history, yet only a little over half of eligible workers had jobs, and many of those who did were working in lesser jobs than those for which they were qualified. A 40 hour work week was becoming a 30 hour work week. Full time work was becoming part time work. Moreover, we had quit facing one another with dialogue and had resorted to electronic devices to give us a false sense of living.
When we finally began learning the truths, we realized we were being TRANSFORMED! Into what, we were not yet quite sure, but we knew we were being transformed. After all, we were promised that, but we didn't listen carefully. We assumed Utopia like the Emerald City and got Oppression like the Iron Curtain instead. The silent war of government against citizens was overtaking us. But, then, the silent war was silent no more. We were being accused of every imaginable offense contrary to our own sense of being, such as racism, discrimination, bigotry and hatred, challenging our individualism and integrity. We were being told that giving up our guns would end violence, yet experiments to that end were being exposed to be false. We were being told that we would all be better off if the Federal government ran our lives for us, including our own law enforcement. We were told that happiness would only come when we submitted to the Wizard.
We were willing victims of DUPLICITY. We were told things we believed, but they were lies. We were told the government was acting on our behalf, when in reality we were being put under more oppressive government control. We were becoming the sheeple we so vehemently hated within ourselves. We were becoming slaves through our own deceptive dreams. We were losing our identifies through our own stupidity.
Only by putting aside the duplicity and persistently seeking the truth and actively defending our own principles will we ever reach the real Utopia like the Emerald City, which is in ourselves of ourselves for ourselves. When we realize once again that government works for US, not the other way around, will we overcome duplicity and regain our FREEDOMS and get along with each other without deception.
- Guye Scott
(c) 2015 The Pursang Group