Our government is the herder...we are the SHEEPLE!
The "Affordable Health Care For America Act" (HR3962) IS ANYTHING BUT! In addition, it is NOT about providing better health care for Americans at all! It is all about POWER AND CONTROL!
"We are 5 days away from a TOTAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE UNITED STATES! - Barack Obama in a campaign rally speech 10/29/09.
"This bill ... as our Founders who said that all men are born with unalienable rights...including Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness...will give Americans BETTER, HEALTHIER LIVES to help them pursue their hopes and dreams IN THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS..." (Paraphrased) - Nancy Polosi, after the passage of the Health Care Bill, 3/21/10.
REFERENCE LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZt8QdD39Mc
"Congress has proven once again that the Government of the People and by the People is still working FOR the PEOPLE!" - Barack Obama, after the passage of the Health Care Bill, in the wee hours of 3/22/10.
"An overwhelming majority of Americans voted for SOCIALISM when they elected Barack Obama." - Al Sharpton on Fox News 3/22/10.
Some of the provisions of the bill include the creation of over 100 NEW GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRACIES, a multitude of NEW TAXES ($560 BILLION over 10 years), deep cuts in Medicare ($500 BILLION over 10 years), MANDATORY HEALTH CARE INSURANCE (with minimum coverage requirements dictated by the Secretary of Health & Human Services and the Health Choices Commissioner), penalties imposed on those who REFUSE TO BUY health insurance (ENFORCED BY THE IRS!), a Government takeover of the STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM (??? in a HEALTH CARE BILL????), adds MILLIONS of people to MEDICARE (adding further burdens on cash-strapped individual STATES...called UNFUNDED MANDATES), PROVISIONS THAT WILL PROVIDE GOVERNMENT PAID ABORTIONS and a plethora of other requirements and provisions
REFERENCE LINK: http://www.capmag.com/article.asp?ID=5668
Moreover, the TAXES START IMMEDIATELY (except the surcharge on "Cadillac Plans" do not take effect until 2018, to appease the Unions), but BENEFITS DO NOT START UNTIL 2014 (except for expansion of certain provisions related to children's health care). That means 10 years of TAXES for only 6 years of BENEFITS!
The bill does NOT include the restoration of payments to Doctors for Medicare Coverage [so-called "DR. FIX" - $250-300 BILLION over 10 years], due to be cut by 21% this year. Therefore, the $183 BILLION reduction in the National Debt (over 10 years) projected by the CBO, does NOT include this expense. It should be noted that MANY DOCTORS do not accept Medicare patients and EVEN MORE do not accept Medicaid patients...TODAY! That number is projected to significantly increase over the coming years.
The CBO has to make cost projections BASED SOLELY ON THE ASSUMPTIONS MADE BY CONGRESS! These assumptions given to the CBO for analysis includes a RAPID RECOVERY OF THE ECONOMY AND RECORD REVENUE over the next 10 years! Also, the $500 BILLION cuts in Medicare has been counted TWICE! On the one hand, Obama has said that it will be used to FIX MEDICARE! On the other hand, he has said that these funds will be used to cover costs related to an increase in the number of insured! The CBO projections do NOT show this, although they pointed out that you cannot count it twice...you can't have it both ways! Yet, Obama continues to make these claims. The projection of a $1.3 TRILLION savings over the second 10 years is PIE IN THE SKY (and the CBO said so), is based on super-rosy projections of the economy, assumed health care cost savings and other dubious, unsubstantiated claims. ANY claims of reductions in health care costs, and therefore insurance premiums, are unsubstantiated.
LOGIC: YOU CANNOT ADD 32 MILLION PEOPLE WITH HEALTH INSURANCE, INCREASE THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE ON MEDICAID SUBSTANTIALLY AND BAILOUT MEDICARE FREE! Moreover, NONE of the cost projections include ANY of the increased costs to STATES for increased Medicaid costs, due to the inclusion of additional people!
38 states (and counting) have pending legislation challenging the imposition by the Federal Government of mandatory health care insurance as being UNCONSTITUTIONAL (Idaho and Virginia have already passed such laws). 10 or so states, including Texas, Florida, South Carolina and Alabama, are planning to file a challenge in court immediately after the law is signed by President Obama (3/23/10). Many lawyers have expressed that this provision of the law is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
For those of you have the time, patience and inclination, here is the link to the law itself, including the reconciliation package, which must yet be taken up by the Senate.
LINK: http://conservativecamp.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=332432:read-the-health-care-bill-and-revisions-here&catid=116:adminstrator&Itemid=179
Government controlled Health Care, Cap & Trade Clean Energy, Student Loan Program, Amnesty for illegal aliens, bailouts/ownership of the financial industry, insurance companies (AIG), private industry (autos, solar energy), and other planned actions are all part of Obama's plan to socialize America! It is all about a cradle to grave Federal Government control of our lives! George Orwell was right...the year 1984 was possible, but is just now taking place. The prospects of UNDOING this bad legislation is slim to none, although attempts to do so will occur! Add the Globalization Plan contained in the UN Agenda 21, of which the IBO World Schools and curriculum is a part, and our nation is headed for a TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT and a SOCIALISTIC SOCIETY! The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave will never be the same...if it survives!
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