It is amazing that when everything you thought you knew about network marketing just went out the window! In this case, this is just networking...I can't call it marketing...well, it is, but not in the traditional sense. The company does all the marketing....members just...well....NETWORK! That is, all we have to do is tell everyone we know...most (if not all) will register! IN FACT, if you do not feel like reading this whole blog, you can stop right now and go ahead and CLICK HERE to register! Want to know why? Because AFTER you read the whole thing, I doubt I could STOP YOU from signing up! You could NOT WAIT to sign up!
You are probably wondering what the heck I am talking about here! Well, let me tell you how I became a member. A friend of mine sent me an email and said "Here is a link. Click on it and sign up...I will tell you all about it later." I knew the guy, had worked with him before, had become good friends...so I signed up! I knew when he asked me that this was something special...otherwise he would not have been so blunt!
We writers tend to be analytical about everything...we will even beat a dead horse to death... LOL!! Therefore, when I signed up for The Customer Advantage, I immediately started digging through the back office....wanting to know what it was all about...but, at the same time, looking for the "catch"! The end result brought me to the conclusion that...well...there ISN"T a catch! This a WYSIWYG program, pure and simple! JOIN -SAVE - SHARE - EARN is ALL you have to do!
Oh, there ARE tools and training and stuff available....my friend Todd is leading the charge on that...but, if all you did was sign up and NEVER did anything else...you would be able to SAVE 50% or more on stuff you already buy every day! If you then invited just a few friends to share in the savings, you might even earn a few bucks...without even doing much at all!
And, you know an AMAZING thing about this? IT'S FREE! While THAT in itself made this appealing...nothing to lose and all that....I was BLOWN AWAY when I learned what you get for your money (LOL!)! I mean, come on....I expected a sign-up page....I expected it would be free to get the savings coup
ons. What I did not expect is that you get a webpage for sign-ups (very attractive) and a back office site that tracks your activities, video email, video conferencing... WHAT? You read it right! But, there is even more....autoresponders. pre-written invitation emails, tutorials....omigosh....what do they charge for all that? All these neat things cost the same as the membership...NOTHING...NOTTA....ZIP...ZILCH...EVER!
To quote Harry Carey....'HOLY COW!" Even if you never used all of that, it is easy to understand the high value of this! All that stuff....for FREE? UNHEARD OF! But, there is the OTHER side of the coin....the money! Here's the BEST part of all! When you share the free gift of membership, eveyone whom you invite that sign up become connected to you. Ongoing, whenever ANYONE in your referral group buys a coupon to save 50-90% at a local business, YOU get paid! When THDY share it with others and they sign up, and any of those people buy a coupon, your friends get paid...AND SO DO YOU! As your group and the resulting coupon purchases grow, you reach a point where this is happening every time ANYONE in the 5 generations of referrals in your group buys a coupon....over and over again! You know what...this will happen whether or not YOU ever buy a coupon yourself! That, friends, is MIND BOGGLING!
Hey, don't get me wrong...I am NOT complaining! I am elated! What I have told you is MORE than enough information for you to immediately click on the link below and sign up...takes just a minute! Once you do, if all you ever did was buy a 50% off coupon now and then, YOU WIN! If you tell a few friends and they occasionally buy a coupon, YOU WIN! Not only do they SAVE 50% or more on their purchase, you get paid 5% of whatever they paid for the coupon...all of 'em...over and over! Now, just think for a moment...WHAT IF the friends YOU invited did the same thing and invited other people that THEY know, that you may not? YOU WIN! Now, you would get paid that same 5% on all the people THEY invited who buy a coupon as well! As this process continues down 5 generations....YOU REALLY WIN! You get paid 5% on ALL their coupon purchases...all the way down through the 5th generation of referrals! IF their is a "catch" to this program, it is simply that you get paid on the 3rd, 4th and 5th levels of referrals when your group size and sales volume reach certain levels...and they are realistic and achievable...EVEN IF ALL YOU DO IS INVITE A FEW FRIENDS AND 15 OF THEM SIGN UP and the process keeps on going...and it WILL! This is too good a program to ignore!
But, regardless, my advice is based on the K.I.S.S. principle...Keep it simple, simply! Don't worry about the details and what will happe a few weeks or months from now! If you just sign up and keep asking your friends to sign up, as they do the same (and they will) and those do the same....for 5 generations of people....you WILL WIN! All the details and lots of help are available to you...but, just inviting people to this program is the key! Pure and simple! Nothing complicated, no deadlines, no commitments, no contracts, no limitations, no quotas and, most importantly, NO COST....therefore, NO RISK! I know this is a cliche' but....you have nothing to lose...and a lot to gain...by signing up now!

One last note....if YOU do NOT sign up, you LOSE! You see, only MEMBERS have access to the SAVINGS! If you never tell anyone else, nobody may ever sign up with you, so YOU LOSE! Only MEMBERS who invite OTHERS who sign up get the EARNINGS! So, to repeat myself, you have NO reason NOT to sign up! That is the bottom line! Just click on the banners on this page to sign up. Then tell everyone you know so they can enjoy the savings! Once they do, this will spread like wildfire...and we ALL WIN.....BIG!
Keith Ingram, Founding Marketing Director, The Customer Advantage
MORE INFORMATION: http://havinganadvantage.com AND http://www.avitadoro.com/advantage.html
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