The CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES was conceived and executed to form a REPUBLIC with LIMITED GOVERNMENT whose powers rested with the PEOPLE with STATES' LAWS of PRECEDENCE with all FEDERAL powers to be ONLY those granted to it BY THE PEOPLE THROUGH THE STATE.
From its inception until Buchanan , STATES' RIGHTS PREVAILED. However, the Abolitionist Movement for Emancipation of slaves begun in the 1830's, was reaching a fever pitch. The Federal Government, by this time, was pressuring the South on trade issues, cotton and peanut production and other issues. South Carolina acted first following Lincoln's election, knowing that a new government would follow, by declaring themselves independent from the United States."We, the people of the State of South Carolina, in convention assembled, do declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and ordained, That the ordinance adopted by us in convention on the twenty-third day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, whereby the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified, and also all acts and parts of acts of the General Assembly of this State ratifying amendments of the said Constitution, are hereby repealed; and that the union now subsisting between South Carolina and other States, under the name of the "United States of America," is hereby dissolved."
Done at Charleston the twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty.
Capitalizing on South Carolina's lead, six more states followed suit and the Confederate States of America was formed. During the four months followinng Lincoln's election, the Confederate States occupied and claimed the forts and military installations within their boundaries. Charlestonians, however, was still reminded daily of the shadow of the United States in the form of Fort Sumter, sitting in their harbor. So, on April 12, 1861, one month after Lincoln's inauguration, they were ordered by the CSA to take possession. Their demands for surrender went unheeded, so they fired on the fort. A barrage of heavy artillary followed. 24 hours later, Ft. Sumter surrendered. Lincoln responded and sent 75,000 troops to repossess the forts and installations held by the Confederates. The Civil War began.
Now, as then, the issue of STATES RIGHTS remains. Since the end of the Civil War in 1865, starting with Reconstruction that humiliated and trampled the South, the Federal government has systematically and progressively asserted themselves into our lives and the control thereof, leaving a bloody trail of trampled States' Rights in its wake.
In an effort to defend the pride of the South, Southerners adopted the Confederate Battle Flag as their banner of individuality and self-preservation and have maintained that symbol and the spirit of independence it represents to this day. As everyone knows, after a deranged White Supremist killed 9 people in a traditionally black church in Charleston, Governor Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley, born of E. Indian parents and not an ancestral Southerner, was asked to take down the Confederate flag from the Capitol to honor the 9 dead black church members. She immediately called for the Legislature to do so, since only they had the authority. Before they acted, a sharpshooter (unknown) shot the flag down.
Walmart, followed by Sears, Amazon and eBay, banned the sale of Confederate flags and memorabelia by their entities. Immediately following, a nationwide movement erupted to rid the nation of everything relating to the Confederacy, including monuments, statues, parks, et al. Mayhem over this issue has ensued.
In rapidfire succession, the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES has made two illegal, UNCONSTITUTIONAL decisions, to uphold the illegal OBAMACARE (ACA) subsidies by illegally rewriting the law and ruled SAME SEX MARRIAGE Constitutional, by interpreting the wording of the Bill of Rights to mean something not contained, implied or intended as written. The latter decision also asserted the Federal Government's right to violate religious freedom by redefining marriage. Meanwhile, black groups are calling for the DEATH OF ALL WHITE PEOPLE by declaring them the SLAVE MASTERS, albeit slavery ended 150 years ago and everyone, slaves and masters alike, have long since died. The LGBT movement is demanding that rainbow flags be displayed in all government sites and publicly at will. Muslim doctrine is being forced upon us, while Christianity is being persecuted and vilified. Amoral teachings and the brainwashing has begun in our schools under the guise of Common Core. The Constitution is in shreds, as Obama rapidly envelopes the role of Dictator. The oppression of white people by the Federal Government has reached universal and popular acceptance as justified by all those who are NOT white! Therefore;THE GOVERNMENT HAS DECLARED WAR
America has become a country of MINORITY MOB RULE and the CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC is all but dead! DEMOCRACY, while being propagandized as our political system, is NON-EXISTANT. Our freedoms are being destroyed and our self protection threatened. The increase in MILITARY buildup within the United States and the level of MILITARY ACTIVITIES unprecedented since WWII, white Americans are very concerned, some even to a level of paranoia, over prospects for the future. With JADE HELM 15 beginning on JULY 15 and daily military activities nationwide on the rise, the concern deepens. The prospect of MARTIAL LAW is on everyone's mind. The government can no longer be trusted and LIES are disseminated as TRUTH and everything happening around us seems surreal, as in a nightmare from which we are unable to escape.GUYE SCOTT
(c) 2015 The Pursang Group
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