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Friday, December 24, 2010

The Night Before Christmas - Ol' South style

Twas the Night before Christmas Poem*

As recited to me by an old tenant farmer

when I was a child

'Twas the niat 'afore Christmus, whin all t'rou' de house
Notta critter 'as sturrin', 'cepten de mowses.
De stock'n's 'as hang'd b' de chimbly wit' kere,

Ahoap'n' thet Santy Clawse 'ould soon be thar.

De chilluns 'as all nested snug in ther bedstids,
'N' visions o' shugger-plums dainced 'round in ther li'l ole haids.
'N' mamma in '
er ‘kerchief, and me in m' cap,

'As jist settlin' ar brains fer a lon' winter’s nap.

When out ther on de lawn ther riz sich a clatter,
I jump'd outta m' bed t' see whut'as de matter.
O'er t' de winder Ah flew lak a flash,
Tore op'n de shutters and throw'd up d' saish.

The mooan on de boozz'm o' d' new-felled snow
Giv hit look lak d'middrla'd'day to stuff b'low.
Wh'n, whut to ma wunner'n' eyes sh'uld appears,
But a itty bitty slay, and haight tinney raindeers.

Hit hada li'l ole driv'r, s'liavly 'n kwick,
Ah know'd inna minnit hit haddabee ol' Sainty Nik.

Way fastern eegulls them critters they's comin',
'N' 'e whissal'd, and showt'd, 'n' holler'd at 'em b' name!

"Now Dasher! n' Daincer! n' Praincer 'n Vix'n!
On, Commet! On,Kewpid! On Donn'r 'n' Blitz'n!
T' de toppada poach! t'da top o' da wawll!
Now daish ahway! Daish ahway! Daish ahway all!"

Lak dry leafs 'afore de wile hurrykain flies,
Whin dey meet witcha obstickle, flies t' de sky.
So up t' d' house-top d' critters dey flewed,
Wit' de slay fulla toys,'n' Santy Clawse t'boot!

'N' then, inna trinklin', I heared on d' roof
D' praincin' 'n' paw'n' o' ich li'l hulf.
Whilst Ah's draw'n' in ma head, 'n' 'uz turn'n 'round,
Down thet thar chimbly Santy come witcha bound.

He 'as drest up all 'n fur, f'um 'is haid t' 'is futt,
'N' 'is cloz'as all soilt 'ith aishes 'n' sutt.
A bunnel o' toys 'e 'ad fling'd on 'is back,
'N' 'e look jis' lak a peddl'r, jis' open'n' 'is pack.

'Is eyes-how dey uz a trink'lin'! 'is dimpuls 'ow mairry!
'Is cheaks 'as lak roas's, 'is noase lak uh chairry!
'Is draw'd up li'l mowth look a lot lak a li'l boaw,
'N' de beerd on 'is chin 'uz whait 's de snoaw.

A stump uvva paip 'e helt taiet in 'is teath,
De smoak hit curkel'd 'round 'is haid liak a 'reath.
His'n uzza wiad faic 'n' a li'l ole round bellie,
Thet shuck whin 'e laif'd, laka bowl fulla jellie!

He 'as sorta chubbie 'n' plump, a r'at jollie ol' eff,
'N' Ah laiff'd whin Ah seen 'im, in spiat o' m'seff!
A wink o' 'is eye 'n' a turn o' 'is haid,
Purty soon Ah know'd t'wernt nuthin' t' be skeert uv.

'E sed nary wurd, b't wint straet t' 'is wurk,
'N' filt up all de stock'n's, thain turnt wit' a jurk.
'N' lay'n 'is faing'r upside 'is noas,
'N' giv'n' a nod, up de chimbly 'e riz!

'E lept t' 'is slay, t' 'is teem giv' a whissel,
'N' ahway they did all flied liak de down onna thissel.
B't Ah heir't im holler jist 's 'e driv outta siat,
" 'Appy Christm's t' y'all, 'n' t' y'all uh good-niat!"

- *With humble apologies to Clement Moore

Monday, December 6, 2010


In today's uncertain times, we deal with weeds in our lives every day! I deal with this by considering the Sunflower, one of God's most incredible creations! While the plant, like many of us, is not particularly outstanding beautiful in and of itself, but it outgrows most weeds! It lives with only ONE objective...grow as tall as possible and produce ONE MAGNIFICENT BLOOM! That bloom is the fulfillment of the plant's ultimate life's GOAL! It is to SHINE in self-fulfillment and BRIGHTEN OTHERS' LIVES!

"Are you a SNIOP? Someone who is Sensitive to the Negative Influence Of Others?"
- Zig Ziglar
If WE in life dwell upon the negatives with which we are bombarded, much like the weeds all around us, we, then, will become discouraged and think only of the weeds...almost like becoming one ourselves! Do you think the Sunflower worries about the weeds which surround it....or the bloom at the top of its stem?

Out of these, and other, thoughts about Sunflowers and its relationship to our own lives was born A Vita d'Oro. A Vita d'Oro is more than an Italian phrase which means "Life of Gold", it embodies a philosophy similar to the Sunflower. To fulfill OUR goals, we must ignore the weeds and strive to achieve our life's ultimate bloom...and shine...and help others along the way.

More people than ever are doing this by starting a home business, utilizing the networks they have already established in their personal lives and on MySpace, Facebook, YourNight and other social networks. In today's world, few have the capital available to start a conventional business of their own. Yet, it is possible to start you own business at home with very little or even NO capital to start!

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.. - Zig Ziglar
Do not the Sunflowers help each other grow? First ONE sprouts, then another, then two more.....ONE grows tall, then another, then two more....ONE blooms, then another, then two more....and, together, they form a field, each striving to be the tallest! The loneliest place in the world is where YOU are, if YOU try to do everything alone! By helping others, you help yourself...grow and strive to achieve your Goal.

Network marketing is the best way to build a home business. Noah loaded the ark two by two until the ark was full. Such it is with network tell two who tell two who tell two....and, before you know it, you GET two who get two who get two ad infinitum until you have built a network of your own, all striving to reach a common goal! Reaching that goal is like the Sunflower striving to achieve its ultimate BLOOM with all its might!

A Vita d'Oro is an organization...a group...a TEAM...of like minded people all working together to achieve a common freedom. As YOU go through life, how will YOUR garden grow? Will it be full of weeds...or a magnificent field of shining Sunflowers?

I will leave you with this one last quote.
"To finish, one must first start!" - Guye Scott
Are you a Sunflower? Now it is up to YOU! Go to AVITAd'ORO NOW!