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Friday, December 24, 2010

The Night Before Christmas - Ol' South style

Twas the Night before Christmas Poem*

As recited to me by an old tenant farmer

when I was a child

'Twas the niat 'afore Christmus, whin all t'rou' de house
Notta critter 'as sturrin', 'cepten de mowses.
De stock'n's 'as hang'd b' de chimbly wit' kere,

Ahoap'n' thet Santy Clawse 'ould soon be thar.

De chilluns 'as all nested snug in ther bedstids,
'N' visions o' shugger-plums dainced 'round in ther li'l ole haids.
'N' mamma in '
er ‘kerchief, and me in m' cap,

'As jist settlin' ar brains fer a lon' winter’s nap.

When out ther on de lawn ther riz sich a clatter,
I jump'd outta m' bed t' see whut'as de matter.
O'er t' de winder Ah flew lak a flash,
Tore op'n de shutters and throw'd up d' saish.

The mooan on de boozz'm o' d' new-felled snow
Giv hit look lak d'middrla'd'day to stuff b'low.
Wh'n, whut to ma wunner'n' eyes sh'uld appears,
But a itty bitty slay, and haight tinney raindeers.

Hit hada li'l ole driv'r, s'liavly 'n kwick,
Ah know'd inna minnit hit haddabee ol' Sainty Nik.

Way fastern eegulls them critters they's comin',
'N' 'e whissal'd, and showt'd, 'n' holler'd at 'em b' name!

"Now Dasher! n' Daincer! n' Praincer 'n Vix'n!
On, Commet! On,Kewpid! On Donn'r 'n' Blitz'n!
T' de toppada poach! t'da top o' da wawll!
Now daish ahway! Daish ahway! Daish ahway all!"

Lak dry leafs 'afore de wile hurrykain flies,
Whin dey meet witcha obstickle, flies t' de sky.
So up t' d' house-top d' critters dey flewed,
Wit' de slay fulla toys,'n' Santy Clawse t'boot!

'N' then, inna trinklin', I heared on d' roof
D' praincin' 'n' paw'n' o' ich li'l hulf.
Whilst Ah's draw'n' in ma head, 'n' 'uz turn'n 'round,
Down thet thar chimbly Santy come witcha bound.

He 'as drest up all 'n fur, f'um 'is haid t' 'is futt,
'N' 'is cloz'as all soilt 'ith aishes 'n' sutt.
A bunnel o' toys 'e 'ad fling'd on 'is back,
'N' 'e look jis' lak a peddl'r, jis' open'n' 'is pack.

'Is eyes-how dey uz a trink'lin'! 'is dimpuls 'ow mairry!
'Is cheaks 'as lak roas's, 'is noase lak uh chairry!
'Is draw'd up li'l mowth look a lot lak a li'l boaw,
'N' de beerd on 'is chin 'uz whait 's de snoaw.

A stump uvva paip 'e helt taiet in 'is teath,
De smoak hit curkel'd 'round 'is haid liak a 'reath.
His'n uzza wiad faic 'n' a li'l ole round bellie,
Thet shuck whin 'e laif'd, laka bowl fulla jellie!

He 'as sorta chubbie 'n' plump, a r'at jollie ol' eff,
'N' Ah laiff'd whin Ah seen 'im, in spiat o' m'seff!
A wink o' 'is eye 'n' a turn o' 'is haid,
Purty soon Ah know'd t'wernt nuthin' t' be skeert uv.

'E sed nary wurd, b't wint straet t' 'is wurk,
'N' filt up all de stock'n's, thain turnt wit' a jurk.
'N' lay'n 'is faing'r upside 'is noas,
'N' giv'n' a nod, up de chimbly 'e riz!

'E lept t' 'is slay, t' 'is teem giv' a whissel,
'N' ahway they did all flied liak de down onna thissel.
B't Ah heir't im holler jist 's 'e driv outta siat,
" 'Appy Christm's t' y'all, 'n' t' y'all uh good-niat!"

- *With humble apologies to Clement Moore

Monday, December 6, 2010


In today's uncertain times, we deal with weeds in our lives every day! I deal with this by considering the Sunflower, one of God's most incredible creations! While the plant, like many of us, is not particularly outstanding beautiful in and of itself, but it outgrows most weeds! It lives with only ONE objective...grow as tall as possible and produce ONE MAGNIFICENT BLOOM! That bloom is the fulfillment of the plant's ultimate life's GOAL! It is to SHINE in self-fulfillment and BRIGHTEN OTHERS' LIVES!

"Are you a SNIOP? Someone who is Sensitive to the Negative Influence Of Others?"
- Zig Ziglar
If WE in life dwell upon the negatives with which we are bombarded, much like the weeds all around us, we, then, will become discouraged and think only of the weeds...almost like becoming one ourselves! Do you think the Sunflower worries about the weeds which surround it....or the bloom at the top of its stem?

Out of these, and other, thoughts about Sunflowers and its relationship to our own lives was born A Vita d'Oro. A Vita d'Oro is more than an Italian phrase which means "Life of Gold", it embodies a philosophy similar to the Sunflower. To fulfill OUR goals, we must ignore the weeds and strive to achieve our life's ultimate bloom...and shine...and help others along the way.

More people than ever are doing this by starting a home business, utilizing the networks they have already established in their personal lives and on MySpace, Facebook, YourNight and other social networks. In today's world, few have the capital available to start a conventional business of their own. Yet, it is possible to start you own business at home with very little or even NO capital to start!

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.. - Zig Ziglar
Do not the Sunflowers help each other grow? First ONE sprouts, then another, then two more.....ONE grows tall, then another, then two more....ONE blooms, then another, then two more....and, together, they form a field, each striving to be the tallest! The loneliest place in the world is where YOU are, if YOU try to do everything alone! By helping others, you help yourself...grow and strive to achieve your Goal.

Network marketing is the best way to build a home business. Noah loaded the ark two by two until the ark was full. Such it is with network tell two who tell two who tell two....and, before you know it, you GET two who get two who get two ad infinitum until you have built a network of your own, all striving to reach a common goal! Reaching that goal is like the Sunflower striving to achieve its ultimate BLOOM with all its might!

A Vita d'Oro is an organization...a group...a TEAM...of like minded people all working together to achieve a common freedom. As YOU go through life, how will YOUR garden grow? Will it be full of weeds...or a magnificent field of shining Sunflowers?

I will leave you with this one last quote.
"To finish, one must first start!" - Guye Scott
Are you a Sunflower? Now it is up to YOU! Go to AVITAd'ORO NOW!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I am deeply disturbed by the latest SOCIALISTIC initiative by the Obama administration! On the one hand, the leftists in the White House and Congress DEMAND a separation of Church and State. Of late, they are calling on churches to help spread the word on SOCIAL JUSTICE (Spread the wealth), IMMIGRATION (Amnesty for ILLEGALS) and ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVAITON (Cap & Trade).


First of all, NOTHING IN THE CONSTITUTION CALLS FOR "SEPARATION" OF CHURCH AND STATE!!!!! What it DOES SAY, is that the Government cannot ESTABLISH A RELIGION and impose it on American citizens (Over simplified, but that is the gist of it). The DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE and THE CONSTITUTION establishes that THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was established UNDER GOD! THAT is NOT religion! It is a recognition that OUR LAWS AND OUR CONSTITUTION IS BASED UPON THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS GIVEN TO US BY GOD!

Whether you realize it or not, or refuse to accept the fact, OUR COUNTRY IS BEING DRIVEN TOWARD A MARXIST-TYPE SOCIALISTIC SOCIETY, WHERE THE COUNTRY AND OUR LIVES ARE TOTALLY CONTROLLED BY THE GOVERNMENT! In other words, they say WHAT we are allowed to do and WHEN we can do it and HOW we are to do ti! Communism is based upon this premise!

The media, for the most part, is condoning this movement. They do NOT object to Obama's "COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" (Obama's words...NOT mine!). Whatever he does is fine with them, because it is giving us SOCIAL JUSTICE (reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator) and is FOR THE COMMON GOOD (Communism IS ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL). What this means is that it eliminates COMPETITION from the equation! This is like a football game in which, before the play begins, the FINAL SCORE is declared to be 24-24, regardless of how the game is played!



Is this what you want, America?


Keith Ingram (c) 2010 Kudzu and Poison Ivy

P.S. Read the "Left Behind" book series, the 'Declaration of Independence", the "Constitution of the United States of America" and "1984" by George Orwell for reference. Watch "Glenn Beck" on Fox News for perspective. VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


We have been taught all or lives the principal of ECONOMIES OF SCALE. Briefly, it describes the concept that collective initiatives enjoy benefits greater than those of a single entity...or something like that.

Obama has made the argument that by having EVERYONE insured in Health Care, the costs per person will be reduced. Well, that is good, as far as it goes. The problem is more complex, however.

In the case of the Health Care Bill just signed into law, there are extreme consequences related to the extraneous terms included in the bill. Insuring more people will cost money, in and of itself, particularly exacerbated in light of the intent to place more people on Medicaid, costs for which are borne by individual states, taking $560 BILLION from Medicare (plus eliminating Medicare Advantage Supplemental Insurance), increasing Medicare payroll taxes, taxing those whose income is over $200,000/yr. ($250K for couples), most of whom are small business owners, taxing medical equipment (which cost will be passed to patients), taxing, through various means, health insurance (including fines for failure to comply to mandatory insurance)...gosh, the list goes on.

Obama cites benefits, such as guaranteeing health insurance for those with pre-existing conditions, tax breaks for small businesses to help pay for health insurance, portability (keep insurance if losing or changing jobs), and more...these are the major highlights.

NONE of these provisions I have mentioned SAVE MONEY! Everything I mention COSTS somebody something! Either the Government pays for it, the individual pays for it, or Seniors pay for it (through Medicare cuts), or costs are passed on to the states (Medicaid). In the end, the net result is that IT WILL COST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE....ONE WAY, OR THE OTHER!

Lurking behind the scenes is our National Debt. While projected at about $12.3 TRILLION this year, and continuing to rise in coming years, that only is THAT PORTION OF THE DEBT ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE REDERAL OPERATING BUDGET! THAT IS ON A PART OF THE DEBT!

Where do I start? Where is the other debt? Well, for one, Social Security has, since its inception, taken in more money through payroll deductions than it has paid out in benefits, creating a huge Social Security Trust Fund. The purpose of this fund is to cover benefits in any year(s) that payouts exceed income. Great, huh? Currently, there is rough $5 TRILLION in that fund. Oh, but, wait a minute! Do you mean we have $5 TRILLION in RESERVE CASE siting in a bank in Beverly Hills? Well, not exactly! Over the years, as the reserve built up, Congress "borrowed" it to cover programs THEY wanted to spend it on, so they gave Social Security IOU's, in the form of Government Bonds. So that is another $5T in debt!

When Social Security was formed, and throughout its existence, everyone was promised by the Federal Government a GUARANTEED LIFETIME INCOME upon retirement. Today, that PROMISE OF INCOME is projected to be $38 TRILLION!!! Put it this way....that is $38 TRILLION in UNFUNDED LIABILITIES for Social Security! Unfunded liabilities are the same as debt....they are a commitment to pay for something, albeit UNDELIVERED, as opposed to DELIVERED, to someone, which constitutes a debt! Where does that put us? 12.3 + 5 + 38 = 55.5! THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT CURRENTLY OWES $55 TRILLION, 500 BILLION!!

Wait a minute! Is that it?.....well, almost. This year, Social Security will pay OUT more than it takes in, for the first time EVER! How much more? Try $49 BILLION! Now, who pays that? The FEDS, of course. 55.5 + .05 = 55.55T

Is that all? Well, not quite. The Health Care Bill cost is estimated be $940 BILLION, not including the "Dr. Fix", which is another $360 BILLION...NOT INCLUDED IN THE CURRENT BUDGET! 55.55 + .36 = 55.91T

Now for the offsets. $560 B from Medicare....wait, that is supposed to pay for adding the that is zero...right? Wrong! It is ALSO supposed to pay for ADDED BENEFITS (GAP COVERAGE) FOR SENIORS ON MEDICARE! Wait a minute! That's double dipping! Spending the same money twice! If all that is paid out, well...that adds another $560 to the debt...but I already counted it once in the above number, so let's ROUND OUR DEBT OUT TO $56 TRILLION!!!!!!!!!!

$ 56,000,000,000,000 ....THAT'S 12 ZEROES!

So that's it, right? WRONG! Each year, the portion of debt outstanding unpaid WILL ADD INTEREST TO THE DEBT! In 2010, that is about $800 BILLION! Oh, and that does NOT include the interest owed to Social Security on the $5 TRILLION owed there!

Whew! I am exhausted! Even though I quoted various sources on these numbers, the total may not be exactly right...but, it is close! So, don't nick-pit me to death over minute details! That is not important! What IS IMPORTANT is the fact that we ALREADY OWE more money than we can pay back! What we DO pay out, over tax income, comes from where? The FEDERAL RESERVE PRINTS MORE MONEY!

That will solve the problem, right? WRONG! That creates INFLATION...remember the Carter days? INFLATION COSTS US MORE FOR EVERYTHING WE BUY! The other effect is to REDUCE THE VALUE OF THE DOLLAR!

Okay, so now we add another 500 or so Government Bureaucracies to administer and regulate the new Health Care Bill and we JUST MIGHT be over the edge!

Oh, Obama tells us NOT TO WORRY! We will save over $ 1 TRILLION in HEALTH CARE COSTS over the next 20 years! If you believe THAT....I know where a bridge is that you should buy! He did not mention that the Federal Budget will ADD more debt each year for years to come, regardless of the health care effect!

What is the bottom line? We OWE more than we can repay...NOW! We continue to ADD to that debt! Social Security has reached a crucial requires Federal payments to cover the shortfall! The Baby Boomers retiring over the next 10 years will INCREASE the number on Social Security, adding to ITS problems, not to mention MEDICARE, that is already BROKE!

Obama and Congress are on a path to spend us into oblivion, as lemmings who rush to drown themselves in the sea! Of course, many contend that is the plan...but....that is another story! Oh, I forgot to mention Cap & Tax and illegal Alien Amnesty, the Iranian situation, Israel/Palestine, Chavez..............

For now, suffice it to say that MORE is not always BETTER, and ECONOMIES OF SCALE are CORRUPTED, when you turn it upside down by SPENDING MORE THAN YOU TAKE IN....CONTINUOUSLY!!!!!! When that happens to us, the result is..... BANKRUPTCY!


Monday, March 22, 2010


Our government is the herder...we are the SHEEPLE!

The "Affordable Health Care For America Act" (HR3962) IS ANYTHING BUT! In addition, it is NOT about providing better health care for Americans at all! It is all about POWER AND CONTROL!

"We are 5 days away from a TOTAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE UNITED STATES! - Barack Obama in a campaign rally speech 10/29/09.

"This bill ... as our Founders who said that all men are born with unalienable rights...including Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness...will give Americans BETTER, HEALTHIER LIVES to help them pursue their hopes and dreams IN THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS..." (Paraphrased) - Nancy Polosi, after the passage of the Health Care Bill, 3/21/10.

"Congress has proven once again that the Government of the People and by the People is still working FOR the PEOPLE!" - Barack Obama, after the passage of the Health Care Bill, in the wee hours of 3/22/10.

"An overwhelming majority of Americans voted for SOCIALISM when they elected Barack Obama." - Al Sharpton on Fox News 3/22/10.

Some of the provisions of the bill include the creation of over 100 NEW GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRACIES, a multitude of NEW TAXES ($560 BILLION over 10 years), deep cuts in Medicare ($500 BILLION over 10 years), MANDATORY HEALTH CARE INSURANCE (with minimum coverage requirements dictated by the Secretary of Health & Human Services and the Health Choices Commissioner), penalties imposed on those who REFUSE TO BUY health insurance (ENFORCED BY THE IRS!), a Government takeover of the STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM (??? in a HEALTH CARE BILL????), adds MILLIONS of people to MEDICARE (adding further burdens on cash-strapped individual STATES...called UNFUNDED MANDATES), PROVISIONS THAT WILL PROVIDE GOVERNMENT PAID ABORTIONS and a plethora of other requirements and provisions

Moreover, the TAXES START IMMEDIATELY (except the surcharge on "Cadillac Plans" do not take effect until 2018, to appease the Unions), but BENEFITS DO NOT START UNTIL 2014 (except for expansion of certain provisions related to children's health care). That means 10 years of TAXES for only 6 years of BENEFITS!

The bill does NOT include the restoration of payments to Doctors for Medicare Coverage [so-called "DR. FIX" - $250-300 BILLION over 10 years], due to be cut by 21% this year. Therefore, the $183 BILLION reduction in the National Debt (over 10 years) projected by the CBO, does NOT include this expense. It should be noted that MANY DOCTORS do not accept Medicare patients and EVEN MORE do not accept Medicaid patients...TODAY! That number is projected to significantly increase over the coming years.

The CBO has to make cost projections BASED SOLELY ON THE ASSUMPTIONS MADE BY CONGRESS! These assumptions given to the CBO for analysis includes a RAPID RECOVERY OF THE ECONOMY AND RECORD REVENUE over the next 10 years! Also, the $500 BILLION cuts in Medicare has been counted TWICE! On the one hand, Obama has said that it will be used to FIX MEDICARE! On the other hand, he has said that these funds will be used to cover costs related to an increase in the number of insured! The CBO projections do NOT show this, although they pointed out that you cannot count it can't have it both ways! Yet, Obama continues to make these claims. The projection of a $1.3 TRILLION savings over the second 10 years is PIE IN THE SKY (and the CBO said so), is based on super-rosy projections of the economy, assumed health care cost savings and other dubious, unsubstantiated claims. ANY claims of reductions in health care costs, and therefore insurance premiums, are unsubstantiated.

LOGIC: YOU CANNOT ADD 32 MILLION PEOPLE WITH HEALTH INSURANCE, INCREASE THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE ON MEDICAID SUBSTANTIALLY AND BAILOUT MEDICARE FREE! Moreover, NONE of the cost projections include ANY of the increased costs to STATES for increased Medicaid costs, due to the inclusion of additional people!

38 states (and counting) have pending legislation challenging the imposition by the Federal Government of mandatory health care insurance as being UNCONSTITUTIONAL (Idaho and Virginia have already passed such laws). 10 or so states, including Texas, Florida, South Carolina and Alabama, are planning to file a challenge in court immediately after the law is signed by President Obama (3/23/10). Many lawyers have expressed that this provision of the law is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

For those of you have the time, patience and inclination, here is the link to the law itself, including the reconciliation package, which must yet be taken up by the Senate.

Government controlled Health Care, Cap & Trade Clean Energy, Student Loan Program, Amnesty for illegal aliens, bailouts/ownership of the financial industry, insurance companies (AIG), private industry (autos, solar energy), and other planned actions are all part of Obama's plan to socialize America! It is all about a cradle to grave Federal Government control of our lives! George Orwell was right...the year 1984 was possible, but is just now taking place. The prospects of UNDOING this bad legislation is slim to none, although attempts to do so will occur! Add the Globalization Plan contained in the UN Agenda 21, of which the IBO World Schools and curriculum is a part, and our nation is headed for a TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT and a SOCIALISTIC SOCIETY! The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave will never be the same...if it survives!


Friday, March 12, 2010


As we watch the debacle in Washington over the health care bill, what is the real issue? Why does Obama, Pellosi and Reid demand that Congress pass this giant bill NOW? What is the urgency?

First of all, what is the purpose of the 2700 page health care bill? Based on independent analysis, by various groups including the CBO, the bill will NOT reduce the cost of health care, WILL raise taxes, WILL cut Medicare by $600 BILLION, WILL reduce payments to hospitals and doctors, WILL cause increases in health care insurance premiums, WILL restrict patients' choices and WILL increase the national debt long term! This is contrary to what Obama, Pelosi and Reid claim. The White House Press Secretary merely mimics what his boss tells him to say...he is just a puppet...a this dangerous game! Why, then, the legislation?

CONTROL! C...O...N...T...R...O...L!!!!!!!! By passing this bill, a system will be in place to eventually control EVERY aspect of our lives, well beyond health care! If the Clean Energy Bill were passed in addition, we would be at the mercy of our Federal Govenment for everything we need to survive, as well as our personal lives.

The National ID Card (regardless of what you call it) is touted as a means to insure that ILLEGAL ALIENS cannot be hired. While THAT aspect of the program is most likely true, the information contained in the chip in the card would expose our sensitive personal information to be used for other purposes, such as tracking our finances (as well as our medical history). Take heed! This is just one more step in the goal for Federal Government control over our lives!

Why the urgency? Obama is assuming that he is a one term President. He also assumes that the Democrats will lose their stranglehold on Congress this fall. He knows that if his health care bill is NOT passed before November, it is likely NEVER to pass! He is more interested in delivering his campaign promise for Universal Health Care than he is in how it affects us and the business community.

Think I am crazy? Do your research! Use the instructions on railroad grade crossing signs...STOP...LOOK...LISTEN! This is monstrosity which will be an albatross which will squeeze the life out of this country and could be the last straw in breaking the back of our financial strength by fueling inflation, further devalue the dollar (by increasing the debt) and make us all slaves to the Federal Government! There are parts of our health care system which need attention and reform. This massive takeover of the system by the Federal Government is NOT in our best interest and WILL NOT resolve issues which deserve reform in our health care system! It promises, instead, to BREAK the BEST HEALTH CARE SYSTEM in the world! NO, not NOW....not EVER!


Friday, February 19, 2010


I have to take time out and comment on some things that are going on behind the scenes in Washington.

The Department of Interior has announced their plans to designate 470+ parcels of land in Western U.S. as "NATIONAL MONUMENTS", circumventing Congress in the process. What does this REALLY mean?

At the World Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the UN Agenda 21 was adopted. The U.S. has NOT ratified that agreement. Yet, everything Obama's administration is boldly and rapidly working to implement this plan! Among those elements of the UN plan which have already been implemented in the US are IB World Schools (, support for a one-world currency, supporting gun control , gobbling up private lands for the sake of "preservation of the environment" and vilifying "tea parties".

Calling those who endorse and participate in the Tea Party movement are called "right wing radicals" by the White House administration, the "main stream media (a misnomer, based on viewership) and bloggers who disagree with the basis for the movement. In reality, the Tea Party movement is the AMERICAN PEOPLE speaking out against the rampant recklessness in Washington! Remember, we are "too stupid" to know what is best for ourselves...we MUST depend upon government to tell us what to do!

The US government owns over 60% of ALL the land in the state of Utah! They own considerable portions of all the other 49 states. This move by the Department of Interior to gobble up even MORE land by declaring them "NATIONAL MONUMENTS" IS A MOVE TO LIMIT OUT FREEDOM TO ENJOY OUR ENVIRONMENT! More and more land is being declared "OFF LIMITS" to humans through moves such as this!

The UN Agenda 21 outlines a program called "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT". What this means is that MOST of the land in the US would be designated as "wildlands", including National Parks, National Monuments, National Forests, Wildlife Preserves and Wilderness designated lands. This appears to be the plan of the Interior Department as well. What Agenda 21 calls for is to ban public access to these lands...only government employees could access to maintain the lands. PEOPLE would be systematically concentrated into highly populated ares known as "cluster cities" (my term, not theirs) which would operate independently from other populations through the process of "sustainable communities", i.e. "self sustaining communes". Have you heard that before? I think it is called "Socialism"!

All of the things mentioned here are part of a Master Plan by the UN to homogenize the population of the entire world, usurping National sovereignty of all states and nations, make everyone "think as one", so as to "dumb" us into submission to the dictates by the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT! Limiting our access to land is a MAJOR part of this plan!

Global Warming has been part of this plan. "Control the Environment, control the population" is the objective. This I call "panic management". This is to say that the sense of panic and urgency implanted into the minds of the population will result in submission to the central powers in solving the "purported cause". Instead of "people", we become the "sheeple"!

Most often than not, what seems innocent and even commendable on the surface, is underwritten by hidden lies, ulterior motives and objectives and moves to limit our freedoms for "the common good" (in THEIR minds)!

There is MUCH more that I could say here, but the BOTTOM LINE is this: our freedoms are being taken away from us, one step at a time, behind our backs! Google "UN Agenda 21" and "" to verify what I am saying and TAKE NOTE of the objectives!

BTW, "The Venus Project" is another source to search. The designs and objectives of that group falls right in line with the objectives of the UN Agenda 21 program. Like it or not, the current administration in Washington is lock-step with this plan!

There is MORE...don't get me started on FEMA Camps...I am still researching this aspect of Federal activity to see how it fits...but it DOES fit!


[Before I am accused of or get reported for inciting riots, I ABHOR VIOLENCE and strongly recommend against it! INDIVIDUAL VOICES, IN UNISON WITH OTHER INDIVIDUALS, IS MORE EFFECTIVE THAN ANY FORM OF COMBAT!]


Monday, February 15, 2010


In surveys over the years, some 85% (+-) of Americans believe in GOD. In a recent survey by ABC News/Washington Post indicates that 81% of Americans support the use of CANNABIS for medical purposes. Is it, therefore, reasonable to assume that the vast majority of those who believe in God also support "Medical Marijuana" use and legal availability? The numbers support that hypothesis.

Yet, among those with strong faith, including ministers and church leaders and devoutly religious church members, many are often reticent to vocalize their position in fear that friends, colleagues and, yes, fellow church members, MIGHT find fault with them for speaking out. Why should that be?

The scientific name for HEMP is cannabis. There are a number of strains of Cannabis which have different properties and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content. Some, with little or no THC content, are more suited for industrial use as a product source, such as biofuels, paper, cloth, etc. Some have much higher THC content (producing dronobinal) which makes it suitable for medical use. THC is a compound (C12H30O2) defined as "the physiologically active component in cannabis preparations (marijuana, for example) derived from the [Indian] hemp plant [or produced synthetically]". The natural compound is the most medically beneficial, while the chemically produced synthetic compound (Merinol - synthetic dronabinal) is less effective, based upon actual use by patients.

Marijuana is an invented word and is not the term used to describe cannabis in history. The word Marijuana came into being in the late 1800's and is derived from Spanish words traced to the name Maria Juana (look it up). In other words, it is a "nickname" so to speak, usually applied to the smoking of cannabis leaves.

Because of the promulgation of propaganda (the movie "Reefer Madness", for example) regarding "marijuana" use from the early 20th century to date, and the ARBITRARY designation of "marijuana" as a SCHEDULE I NARCOTIC (with Morphine, Heroine, Cocaine, Opium, etc.) by Richard Nixon, the term has had negative connotations which prevail today. Unfortunately, the propaganda is based on twisted facts, a plethora of outright lies and intentionally misleading information with no basis in fact. The ban of marijuana and hemp is a result of self-serving big money industrialists and legislation resulting from their selfish interests. Its classification as a SCHEDULE I NARCOTIC cannot be justified, based upon FACT!

The italicized information above leads to an ingrained fear among Americans of "getting in trouble" for speaking out. They fear admonishment by peers and/or harassment or possible prosecution by law enforcement or being categorized in a negative way by "somebody".

Before I began my crusade as an advocate for the legalization of Cannabis (Marijuana) for medical use, I did extensive research over a period of almost two years. The more I learned, the more I realized that its ban is based upon false premises and has NOTHING to do with its actual properties, uses or benefits! Armed with the FACTS gleaned from my research, I am now "front and center" to try to influence legalization of cannabis for medical purposes. Moreover, I am also an activist for legalizing the production of Industrial Hemp in the United States (covered in other of my blogs).

The benefits of cannabis for medical purposes is well documented, despite the intentional squelching of controlled studies and scientific research by our government. Suffering patients who have used cannabis KNOW its benefits, including allowing them the ability to FUNCTION and not be tied down by the debilitating effects of their disease(s) and/or injuries AND THE PRESCRIPTION DRUGS THEY ARE FORCED BY LAW TO TAKE! Chronic pain patients comprise the largest group of patients, since that is the result from numerous diseases, injuries and many physiological and neurological conditions. Many psychological problems, such as those related to PTSD, are also benefited from cannabis use.

Believing in God and being a person of faith is one of the most pertinent REASONS for supporting the legalization of cannabis production, availability and use for medical purposes! Cannabis is a SAFE alternative to PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (almost all very addictive derivatives from Opium) which have as one of their side effects, the possibility of causing DEATH! Most people accept whatever is prescribed to them by their doctor as being safe, despite the warnings to the contrary. Recently, that mindset is being challenged by many concerned people, and rightly so!

THE NEGATIVE CONNOTATIONS PLACED UPON CANNABIS (MARIJUANA) IS PRIMARILY, IF NOT ONLY, BECAUSE THE SUBSTANCE IS ILLEGAL BY FEDERAL LAW! 14 states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation legalizing the use of cannabis for medical reasons, allows physicians to prescribe it, and provides certain means for its availability and dispensation. The methodology varies among these state laws. Regardless, the DEA and many local law enforcement agencies continue to harass patients, arrest them, convict them and jail them...just because the alternative medicine they use is ILLEGAL by Federal much for States Rights! (Another issue for another blog).

Until the FEDERAL laws are changed, getting legalization passed in each state is the primary task at hand, although a lot of pressure is being placed upon Washington in that regard. The MORE STATES that pass MEDICAL MARIJUANA LAWS, the harder it will be for Washington to continue to ignore the American people's wishes!

To summarize the point of this blog, if you believe in God, are secure in your Faith and/or consider yourself religious, do not hide behind the excuse of fear of retribution and support the legalization of cannabis (Marijuana) for MEDICAL PURPOSES. It is your right (FIRST AMENDMENT) and the right thing to do!

Note: All assertions in this blog are based upon FACTS obtained from many sources, including the Bible, dictionaries, websites and verified news sources.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


A thought just hit me...why is HEMP production banned worldwide, while POPPY production is not and flourishes in many countries? Certain varieties and strains of HEMP, but not all, produce THC, labeled a "HALLUCINOGENIC" DRUG, and classified by the United States government as a CLASS 1 DRUG, the same as cocaine and heroin. POPPIES produce a large seed pod which contains OPIUM...also a "HALLUCINOGENIC" DRUG! Here are my thoughts on the subject.

Both OPIUM and MARIJUANA (from HEMP containing THC) have been around for centuries. However, there is a major difference between the production of HEMP and the production of POPPIES. Poppies produce PRETTY FLOWERS AND OPIUM - PERIOD! HEMP produces, in some strains, MARIJUANA...but also produces the longest, strongest fiber known to man! Byproducts from HEMP include many products, including cosmetics, food stuffs (in many forms, including milk, cooking oil, meal), building materials (such as HEMPCRETE, a mixture of HEMP fibers and lime), cloth (such as DENIM, canvas* and many levels of materials suitable for clothing, linens (sheets, etc.), and just about any other uses for cloth that you can imagine, plastics (used by Henry Ford for the Model T!), paper (much stronger and can be produced with only minimum chemicals, far less than wood fiber. Note that the PARCHMENT used upon which to write the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE was MADE FROM HEMP!), rope (much stronger than Nylon or other materials, used, *along with canvas sails, on almost ALL sailing ships for centuries, including the USS CONSTITUTION!), MEDICINES (many forms, including treatment for glaucoma and has been used as a PAIN remedy for thousands of years), COSMETICS (beneficial to healthy skin and hair) and a variety of other products that do not come to mind at the moment and, most likely, applications and products that have not yet been discovered!

OPIUM derivatives are used for a variety of medicines, called OPIATES, such as pain relievers (Lortab, Fentynal, etc.) and a variety of anti-depressants. In the case of the latter, SEVERE DEPRESSION AND SUICIDAL TENDENCIES are possible side effects! ALL OPIATES ARE HIGHLY ADDICTIVE AND CAN CAUSE DEATH! Yet, these drugs ARE PERFECTLY LEGAL, APPROVED BY THE FDA AND READILY AVAILABLE IF PRESCRIBED BY A DOCTOR. Resale of these drugs on the black market is a major problem in the U.S. and other countries.

There are prescription medicines available on a limited basis which are made from HEMP. However, the primary element used in these meds is made from HEMP SEED OIL, WHICH CONTAIN NO...I REPEAT...NO...THC! There is a prescription med which contains a small percentage of THC, BUT THAT IS SYNTHETIC AND PRODUCED IN A LAB! Aside from MEDICINES, however, ALL HEMP BASED PRODUCTS CAN BE SOLD LEGALLY IN THE UNITED STATES...SO LONG AS THEY CONTAIN NO OR LESS THAN 0.3% THC! However, all such products MUST BE IMPORTED and carry a HIGH TARIFF!

What can be concluded from this? My HYPOTHESIS is that, at least in the U.S., the federal government can't figure out how to control the entire process! You see, the naked eye cannot tell the difference between HIGH THC MARIJUANA producing HEMP and ZERO THC (< 0.3%) INDUSTRIAL HEMP! Moreover, ANYONE can grow HEMP in their backyard! Oh, we can grow POPPIES, too...but we cannot easily produce OPIUM!

BIG MONEY KILLED HEMP PRODUCTION IN THE 1930's TO PROTECT THEIR INTERESTS IN CHEMICALS, CHEMICAL BASED DRUGS, WOOD PULP PAPER MILLS (which use massive amounts of CHEMICALS) AND PETROLEUM BASED PRODUCTS...WHICH ALSO USE A LOT OF CHEMICALS! One of the most evident causation of this ban came from E. I. DuPont, after the 1935 development of NYLON, a SYNTHETIC POLYMER used to make CLOTH AND ROPE...made from CHEMICALS! He and a host of other BIG MONEY folks (Eli Lilly, John D. Rockefeller, Randolph Hurst, etc.) persuaded Congress to pass the MARIJUANA TAX ACT OF 1937, essentially banning MARIJUANA, leading to the banning of ALL HEMP production in the United States in order to PROTECT AND EXPAND PRODUCTION OF PRODUCTS MADE FROM CHEMICALS! This was where the BIG MONEY had invested millions, so they HAD TO PROTECT IT so they could make MORE MONEY! No doubt, they also supported Washington lawmakers as well!

Now, it is 2010. The GREEN MOVEMENT dominates every aspect of our lives and has TRANSFORMED the media into AL GORE FANATICS! Building codes are changing rapidly to REQUIRE GREEN MATERIALS AND PROCESSES in buildings, including solar power and dubious "GREEN" building materials and techniques, all designed to result in LOW ENERGY CONSUMPTION. The second side of this is a push for ELECTRIC VEHICLES and BIOFUELS (primarily made from CORN) to REDUCE CO2 EMISSIONS, DEEMED DANGEROUS TO HUMANS BY THE EPA AND DECLARED TO BE A MENACE THAT WILL END LIFE ON EARTH BY AL GORE! [NOTE: More about this in a coming blog.]



POPPIES are NOT THE ANSWER! You can't fix the world with pretty flowers and the mind destroying properties of OPIUM and CHEMICAL BASED PRODUCTS, INCLUDING DRUGS, without destroying us all in the process! HEMP CAN!

Monday, January 25, 2010


This is a tale about the South, its heritage of farming, its demise, and some thoughts on the future of agriculture here in the South. The premise applies to all agricultural areas of the U.S. This is only a Thumbnail Sketch, non comprehensive, but it does paint a picture of hope, if only Washington faces reality and acts accordingly!

Once upon a time in the U.S., many crops were grown. They produced virtually ALL of the needs of the country, including food and other necessities, like shelter and clothing. Then came the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, which created products previously unavailable to Americans. Iron, steel and the resulting products, such as plows and other farming implements, coal and wood burning stoves, cookware and serving ware and many other products resulted. Trains crossed the country to provide transportation to "parts unknown". Telegraphy, electricity and the telephone revolutionized communications. Mining became a major part of this revolution, to furnish the raw materials necessary to support industry.

Farming flourished! The South became known as "The Cotton States", furnishing virtually all of the clothing needs of the country. The Peanut was the number one food crop from the South, aside from corn, which was available almost nationwide.

However, one fact that has been omitted from the history books, is that HEMP was a MAJOR CROP in the South, as well as in other agricultural areas throughout the country. With the passing of the "Marijuana Stamp Tax Act of 1937", its parent, HEMP, was banned, in order to eradicate Marijuana. This was a case of throwing out the baby AND the bath water in one fell swoop!

Why? The answer is simple. DuPont had just discovered how to make Nylon from chemicals. Hemp, along with cotton and wood fiber, were the primary sources for clothing, canvas (ship sails, tarps, etc.), rope, paper and many other products. DuPont wanted to sell his new Nylon ropes, along with cloth. Rockefeller, who controlled many things, wanted to use trees for paper to justify the paper mills as part of the industrial revolution. Eli Lilly wanted to promote lab developed drugs for medicinal use to promote his own self interests. Together, they pressured Washington to pass the law and enforce it beyond just eliminating marijuana. [NOTE: SINCE THEN, ALL HEMP PRODUCTS ARE IMPORTED! DESPITE NO U.S. PRODUCTION, A HIGH TARIFF IS PLACED ON ALL THESE PRODUCTS!]

Over the coming years, Rayon was developed, and along with Nylon, replaced cotton and hemp for virtually all clothing! It is worthy to note that Levi Strauss developed the first Denim for slacks (jeans). The first denim was made from HEMP...NOT cotton! Cotton replaced hemp for jeans ONLY after the passing of the 1937 law and the banning of hemp cultivation and production in the U.S.!

Since the 30's, cotton has virtually disappeared from the South, replaced by cattle, soybeans and DEVELOPMENT, replacing farms. Only peanuts remain as a major crop almost exclusive to the South. Cattle, once the mainstay of the midwest and west, has become a major portion of Southern agriculture, along with chicken production. Small farmers have all but disappeared!

Now, here we are in the 21st century...234 years after the Declaration of Independence. Nearly EVERYTHING we must buy to sustain life is labeled with 'Made in China" or a myriad of other countries. Fruits and vegetables from South America, Mexico, Indonesia, Japan and many European countries, including those once behind the Iron Curtain. TV's and other electronics from Europe, Japan and China. Shoes from Mexico, Hungary and China. Clothing from EVERYWHERE BUT the U. S.! Finding labels with "Made In the U.S.A." has become as hard to find as the proverbial "needle in a haystack"!

Without boring you with all the stuff that IS going on (which you are bombarded with constantly), let me briefly touch on what is NOT going on in Washington. NO effective effort to promote U. S. production of any products (except for auto bailouts). NO effort to increase U. S. agricultural production (except for corn for biofuels, whitch reduces the food supply and increases costs for consumers). NO action to allow HEMP production in the U. S., despite YEARS of prodding by many sources. Minimal efforts to allow more oil and gas drilling and virtually NO efforts to increase nuclear OR HYDRO plants as means to increase energy production. Instead (and I digress), SOLAR AND WIND are being pushed as the ways to produce energy for the future as opposed to all alternatives! [FYI: SOLAR AND WIND ARE THE HIGHEST COST FORMS OF ENERGY PRODUCTION AVAILABLE! HYBRID AND ALL-ELECTRIC VEHICLES ARE RIGHT BEHIND!]

HEMP produces 4 TIMES the amount of fiber per acre than that from TREES! One crop of HEMP absorbs as much or more CO2, and resultant emissions of O2, as a stand of trees in the same area! Coincidentally, increasing U. S. production of oil would reduce dependency on foreign sources. NATURAL GAS production, a cleaner form of energy, is ABUNDANT in the U. S.! [Our oil reserves are estimated to be greater than those in the Middle East!]

So, what is the BEST answer to solve our energy AND ECONOMIC problems? More oil and gas production would offer immediate reductions in foreign oil. Longer term, since production methods must be developed, HEMP offers the GREATEST POTENTIAL...anyone with an acre of land can grow HEMP economically feasible! From HEMP, we can get cloth, paper, plastics, MEDICINES and, yes, BIOFUELS!...or even products not yet discovered! HEMP would regain our agricultural base...EASILY!...AND solve our energy problems in the meantime! Oh, did I mention solving Al Gore's perceived CO2 MENACE?

Nevada Barr, in her novel "DEEP SOUTH", described her introduction to southern Mississippi (from the West) as most represented by the presence of KUDZU. She noted that the plant was imported from Japan for soil erosion. As soon as the plants emerged, they noticed the high humidity and the red clay all around them and yelled...'HOT ZIGGITY!" You know the result!

Guess what? HEMP thrives in the same environment! From the start, fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides and normal cultivation techniques ARE NOT REQUIRED! It is like growing KUDZU, except easier to contain and control. Crop rotation is NOT required! Why do you think it is called "WEED"? Simply, because it GROWS as a weed! Maybe, it REALLY IS a WEED!

It really doesn't matter. HEMP production in the U. S. CAN SOLVE SO MANY PROBLEMS ALL AT ONCE! Maybe THAT is why our government does not want to pursue this course of action! It would promote CAPITALISM, provide HOPE for the LOWER AND MIDDLE CLASSES who strive to reach the AMERICAN DREAM and make it harder for FAVORS BETWEEN CONGRESS AND BIG BUSINESS to be realized! Could reducing PORK be far behind?

Jack Herer has been looked upon by "the ESTABLISHMENT" as being a radical who only wants the legal right to "get high"! His "sermon" is all about HEMP! All its benefits have been promoted by Jack. He wears HEMP clothing! Read "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack for his whole message.

To avoid the obvious and ignore the opportunities offered from the restoration of HEMP PRODUCTION in the United States is INEXCUSABLE, if not CRIMINAL, on the part of our government in Washington! GOD gave us this MAGNIFICENT AND BOUNTIFUL NATURAL RESOURCE! Certainly, he INTENDED FOR US TO BENEFIT FROM IT! The WORLD, including the U. S., DID...until BIG BUSINESS and GOVERNMENTS decided that THEIR BEST INTERESTS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAT OUR BEST INTERESTS!

Americans...IT IS TIME THAT IMBALANCE IS REVERSED! Let us band together and turn Washington UPSIDE DOWN until OUR NEEDS COME FIRST! Legalizing HEMP PRODUCTION is a MAJOR PLAYER in accomplishing that GOAL!


I ran across this article in my files and thought I would pass it on. I cannot remember the source. This is a thumbnail of info on Hemp production from 1998. What I find interesting is that current activity to legalize industrial hemp cultivation is NOT NEW. The problem is, Washington has stonewalled any action in this regard. Moreover, 100% of hemp products sold in the U.S., which, oddly, is perfectly legal, IS IMPORTED! To make matters worse, the imported hemp has a very high tariff! This is preposterous! Tariffs are usually placed on imported products to inhibit its competition with U.S. produced products. This is not the case with hemp products, since there is NONE in the U.S.! It is time Washington listens and uses Hemp to help us out of the economic mess we are in! Let's flood Congress with letters, emails and phone calls! Let's make this issue a priority!

1998 Hemp Production

State Study Findings

Each of the three 1998 studies focused on different

aspects of supply and/or demand. Since Kentucky was

a major producer of certified hemp seed in the past, it

is one of the main markets mentioned in the 1998

study. Also, the horse racing industry in the State

could be a significant buyer of hemp hurds for animal

bedding. North Dakota has an oilseed crushing industry.

Thus, the North Dakota study concluded that the

largest market opportunity for the State may be hemp

seed oil. The Oregon report concentrated on fiber production

because of the pulp and paper industry in the

Pacific Northwest. (Summaries from each of the

reports are in Appendix III.)

All three of the studies do mention hemp’s benefits as

a rotation crop. As stated in the Oregon report, industrial

hemp may provide an excellent rotation crop for

traditional crops to avoid outbreaks of insect and disease

problems or to suppress weeds (Ehrensing). The

North Dakota report further states that hemp rebuilds

and conditions soils by replacing organic matter and

providing aeration through its extensive root system

(Kraenzel et al.).

The Kentucky Task Force had a broad mandate to

examine legal, agronomic, and economic aspects of

hemp production. In 1995, the majority of the

Kentucky Task Force concluded that legal prohibition

of Cannabis cultivation was the overriding obstacle to

reintroduction of fiber hemp production in Kentucky.

Significant progress on agronomics, marketing, or

infrastructure development is unlikely, and of relatively

little importance, unless legal issues are resolved


The North Dakota report takes a different position.

Since industrial hemp may have potential as an alternative

rotation crop, the report recommends that the North

Dakota Legislature consider action that would allow

controlled experimental production and processing.

This would allow collection and analysis of necessary

baseline production, processing, and marketing data. At

the same time, the concerns and costs of law enforcement

agencies could be addressed (Kraenzel et al.).

Sunday, January 24, 2010


HHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Chiilin'out and layin' back, enjoying the morning's dawn and looking at the day ahead....a hit to start the day...that's the life!

I love COFFEE! I buy only the best specialty blends and always look for the "better" variety or blend than the last one! I have a cup FIRST THING, even if it is to heat a cup left over from yesterday! While it is heating, I make a new POT. I switch varieties daily, so I always have a new taste every morning!

I seek the internet looking for unique, prime strains of the myriad of Arabica beans...the subtleties of light to darker roasts, I seek varieties from all corners of the Earth, always seeking that "WOW...BEST I EVER HAD" feeling...always looking for the best....only better!

I am disgusted with the quality of the wonderful commodity available on the street. I abhor the common weakness of what is generally available!

I prefer Dark roasts, super fine ground, Colombian, Kenyan or Guatemalan Arabica beans picked at the peak of their perfection, rushed to market, then to me...fresh roasted and finely ground. An occasional tweaking with Hazelnut, Pecan, Vanilla, Chocolate or Spices can also be very rewarding! A Kona hit from Hawaii now and then breaks the routine.

When it comes to ultimate pleasure, Espresso takes the cake! Wow! Talk about a HIT! Man, this is where it's at! Espresso can be enhanced with a dab of cream, a little cinnamon or nutmeg, a little vanilla's the kicker...even a dollop of SOUR CREAM and almond! Coffee shops can't touch that, man!

Then there is the methodology of intake. Never, I mean NEVER, GULP! This destroys the original intent of enjoyment! SIP...lots of little hits, savoring each and every one...until the warmth of the gem fills you body and soul!

On that rare occasion, when you find the "PERFECT" blend, just when you think you are "hooked" on it, a new strain comes along to really mess with your mind! WOW!

And to think, when I was younger, I thought coffee was coffee...plain and simple! Not so, my fellow bard! Variety is the spice of life! It is man's BEST friend!

For this, I am admonished! I am called an addict! I am truly, a POTHEAD!

Won't you join me in this quest? Hit the POT with me! Come on, be a POTHEAD with me!


Monday, January 18, 2010


A fool is one who betrays himself. I said that. Quote me!

Over the past year, I have been overwhelmed by the events which have unfolded in Washington! What intrigues me the most is the fact that Barack Obama told America EXACTLY WHAT TO EXPECT when he became President. Before the election, he made the following statement, and I quote, "We are five days away from a TOTAL TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICA!" We have gotten more than we bargained for!

Mr. Obama promised CHANGE. We got change! Unfortunately, THAT IS THE ONLY PROMISE HE HAS KEPT! The changes so far are NOT what he promised, to wit:
1. Transpanrency: NOPE! We have been swamped with a jumble of selected "considerations" on every piece of legislation brought before Congress. While we have been trying to figure out what is being proposed, deals are being made behind closed doors, leaving us guessing. Moreover, the bills are pushed through without exposure or adequate debate. When passed, we, the American people, still do not know the details!

2. Green jobs: NOPE! Instead, we have been given a "snow job" over energy issues, fueled by Al Gore and his "global warming" propoganda, which the White House supports and wants us to believe. The answer, they say, is solar and wind energy, electric cars and a TAX on CARBON emissions. One note on the latter...already 3 people have been charged with fraud over a scam regarding "trading carbon tax credits"! The EPA has ruled that CO2 is "harmful to humans". The HOUSE passed the Clean Energy Bill early last year. The Senate has yet to consider it. However, with the EPA becoming more agressive and other moves made by Obama and other government agencies, some of the provisions are already being initiated, despite the fact that the bill is not yet law! Billions were given to companies to develop batteries for electric cars, more advanced solar and wind energy generation and improving the national electric grid. Yet, these same companies LOST BILLIONS last year, because the products are STILL TOO EXPENSIVE for mainstram America! Now, more money has been poured into upgrading windows and insulation in older homes and commercial buildings. In case you haven't noticed, compact fluorescent and LED lighting is taking over...regular bulbs are occupying less and less space on the shelves! These are just some examples. There has NO PROOF of an increase in jobs in this area! In fact, most energy companies have REDUCED their workforce!

3. HEALTHCARE REFORM: NOT YET! MAYBE NOT THIS YEAR! MAYBE NEVER! Well, almost everyone agrees that we need some kinds of reform to our healthcare coverage. There are many opinions as to what. However, yesterday, Massachusetts spoke loud and clear...NOT WHAT IS CURRENTLY ON THE TABLE IN WASHINGTON! The vast majority of Americans do NOT want to pay for OTHER PEOPLE'S INSURANCE, nor do they want to be unfairly taxed, through whatever means. Today, we pay for a lot of different stuff through "hidden" taxes on everything from tobacco, alcohol, gasoline, etc. Now, WHAT IF the government legalized industrial HEMP cultivation and production and, without raising taxes, create enough increase in revenue to reduce the current deficit AND pay for certain aspects of a new NON-GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED Healthcare Plan? What IF? Worth consideration, don't you think?

4. STIMULUS: NOPE! Oh, Congress passed a $787BILLION STIMULUS BILL...but we have lost over 3 MILLION JOBS since! What they stimulated was the pockets of a number of non-profit organizations like ACORN for dubious projects and PORK for projects in districts favored by the administration! MORE JOBS? All of the "data" cited over "jobs created or saved" have proven unreliable and immeasurable. BTW, only a fraction of the Stimulus money has been spent, so where was the "stimulus"? Unemployment is touted to be over 10%, but is closer to 20%, given that many have given up and are no longer counted in the unemplyment numbers! Another misleading manipulation of data!

5. BUDGET DEFICIT REDUCTIONS: HELL, NO! GIVE ME A BREAK! This administration has put us deeper into debt ALREADY than ALL PRECEDING PRESIDENTS COMBINED! I can't even discuss it! My Pastor would have my hide!

6. SECURITY AGAINST TERRORISM: NOPE, AGAIN! How can closing down GITMO and releasing the bad guys back to Yemen or putting them in U.S. prisons and conducting theie trials in U.S. Criminal Courts (instead of Military Tribunals) help make us safer? This is BEYOND ME!

6. BORDER SECURITY: NO, NO, NO, AND NOPE! When NO ACTION has been taken to strengthen our borders and airport security is so misguided as to allow a crazy loon (credit Bill O'Reilly) to board an American airliner with a bomb in his shorts, even though he was on the "terror watchlist", how are we safer? What about the other attacks in 2009? Do YOU feel safer? I don't!

7. NO TAX INCREASE FOR AMERICANS WHO MAKE LESS THAN $250,000 A YEAR! CERTAINLY NOT! Who bears the brunt of the 60 cent/pack increase in cigarette taxes? That was violation number one on this issue! More on the way, more being considered in Congress!

8. I INHERITED THIS MESS! WOW, WHAT A CROCK! Obama has been in office for a year! This is NO LONGER an excuse! Obama, you make your own bed now and YOU must lie in it! Oh, he does...LIE, that is!

Well, I am boring you. You know all of this! I could go on with examples for hours! However, I think it is time to make my point!

WHAT IF INDUSTRIAL HEMP CULTIVATION AND PRODUCTION WERE LEGALIZED? If one had only a few acres of vacant farm land, they could produce HEMP. Biofuels produced from HEMP could significantly reduce our dependence upon foreign oil. HEMP production would create MILLIONS OF NEW JOBS! Products made from HEMP in the U.S. would significantly reduce our imports of many, many commodities and keep jobs here, instead of China, Mexico and many other countries!

Moreover, WHAT IF MARIJUANA WERE LEGALIZED? Well, consider the possiblities. We would NO LONGER need IMPORTED MARIJUANA from Mexico and South America. This would break the drug cartels south of the border. More money would be retained here, rather than sent overseas. Could legalized marijuana possibly reduce the demand for hard drugs? Well, I can't answer that, but it is certainly something that I ponder, and so should you. One thing is for sure., THE LEGALIZATION OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA is without doubt a sane and humane objective! This legislation should be FEDERAL to cover ALL AMERICANS in need of this treatment! Get the DEA out from between patients and doctors! One problem with illegally available marijuana is that it is of inferior quality and strength needed to medical marijuana. This point is not well known or publicized in the public domain. The fact is, medical grade marijuana increases its medical benefits and reduces the frequency of use. This is good for the patients, in that it reduces their costs in the long run and provides greater beneficial effects in its use. This MUST be accomplished!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


We are all caught up in the controversies over CLIMATE CHANGE and MARIJUANA. Would you believe the answer is the same for both issues?

Cannabis is the OLDEST CULTIVATED CROP KNOWN TO MAN! GOD created it! Until 1937, it was considered a VALUABLE farm resource in the United States. At the end of prohibition, law enforcement was faced with nothing to do, except the everyday, routine job of keeping the peace and occasional crime.

At the same time, powerful forces were at work to protect their self interests. Among those was a man whose company had just discovered NYLON through their CHEMICAL RESEARCH...E. I. DuPont. HEMP was the single source for ROPE prior to the introduction of Nylon. Another, whose company was developing new pain medications and whose research sought new cures for diseases through CHEMISTRY. This man was Eli Lilly. Others, including John D. Rockefeller, who controlled the paper printing industries, joined in the scam. These men, along with a group of politicians, connived a plan to protect industrial interests AND give law enforcement something solid to sink their teeth into....thus was born the ill-conceived MARIJUANA STAMP TAX ACT OF 1937 (Available for viewing on the U. S. Government's website). While this act created an intricate and unenforceable set of regulations, over the next few years accomplished what it set out to do...BAN MARIJUANA. It did not stop there. The result was that HEMP, the parent plant for marijuana, was banned from cultivation in the U.S.!

In the 1940's, a series of so-called "DOCUMENTARY" movies were made, expounding the EVILS OF MARIJUANA. The best known of these movies is "REEFER MADNESS" (Look it up on NETFLIX). This movie was based upon then popular presumptuous lies regarding marijuana use and its effects on humans. However, the hype behind the menace of marijuana was so great that the lie became fact, in most people's minds.

During WWII, in a desperate attempt to win the war, the U. S. Government organized a campaign called "HEMP FOR VICTORY". Within DAYS...HEMP was being grown and processed into ROPE, PAPER, CANVAS (Derived from the French word for cannabis), PLASTICS and many other products to help in the war effort. After the war was over, the ban was reinstated by the same politicians who led the war campaign!

Then, along came Nixon. The same Nixon who was President. The same Nixon that was so paranoid as to create the desire for political fodder that led to the break-in of the Democratic headquarters in the Watergate complex. Yes, THAT NIXON! What did HE do regarding marijuana? With the stroke of mere pen, HE PUT MARIJUANA ON THE LIST OF CLASS i NARCOTICS, which includes Heroin, Cocaine, etc. While OPIUM is on that list, OPIATES (derivatives) used in medicines by the PHARMACEUTICALS are NOT illegal...they just require a prescription from a licensed physician! Why? You figure it out!

Before I go further, keep in mind that BEFORE 1937, marijuana was taken for granted, used by Presidents, raised on farms for industrial products (including plastics for Henry Ford's Model T) and WAS NOT CONSIDERED TO BE A "PROBLEM". Sails and ropes for the USS CONSTITUTION were made from HEMP., as were those on every other sailing ship. Many other products were made from HEMP.

Now comes an EX U.S. VICE PRESIDENT who touts CARBON DIOXIDE as a menace to the future of our planet! Thus came the term "GLOBAL WARMING", based on old data and the opinions of a handful of scientists. Even the EPA has bought into this by deeming CO2 as "HARMFUL TO HUMANS"! What he fails to tell us is that all his predictions are not only subjective, but based on a computer model designed to exaggerate the results! Many scientists disagree with this premise, but whose findings are publicly denounced by Gore and his cronies as being "FLAWED SCIENCE"...the VERY ESSENCE of what THEIR CONCLUSIONS ARE BASED! Oh, and it is MAN MADE...ALL OUR FAULT!

This brings me to why I wrote this in the first place. HEMP produces MORE PRODUCT PER ACRE than TREES, or any other cultivatable plant known. PLANTS ABSORB CARBON DIOXIDE AND EMIT OXYGEN! HEMP can also be used for FOOD, CLOTH, ROPE, MEDICINE, PLASTICS, PAPER AND VARIOUS OTHER PRODUCTS... INCLUDING (READY FOR THIS?)...BIOFUELS!


This is MY OPINION, based on a couple of years of intense research. DO NOT SEND ME MESSAGES QUIBBLING WITH MY FACTS...I may have erred in minor details. However, just type "HEMP" into your search engine, and you will find more sources to research than you can digest in a year!

For now, I am a proponent for the legalization of MEDICINAL MARIJUANA USE and INDUSTRIAL HEMP CULTIVATION AND PRODUCTION. It is a sane approach to pain management and a NATURAL SOLUTION to many aspects of our lives from an environmental standpoint. HEMP production could help alleviate our high unemployment, help overcome our crop production deficit, our export deficit and would play a major part in the recovery of our economy.