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Friday, March 12, 2010


As we watch the debacle in Washington over the health care bill, what is the real issue? Why does Obama, Pellosi and Reid demand that Congress pass this giant bill NOW? What is the urgency?

First of all, what is the purpose of the 2700 page health care bill? Based on independent analysis, by various groups including the CBO, the bill will NOT reduce the cost of health care, WILL raise taxes, WILL cut Medicare by $600 BILLION, WILL reduce payments to hospitals and doctors, WILL cause increases in health care insurance premiums, WILL restrict patients' choices and WILL increase the national debt long term! This is contrary to what Obama, Pelosi and Reid claim. The White House Press Secretary merely mimics what his boss tells him to say...he is just a puppet...a this dangerous game! Why, then, the legislation?

CONTROL! C...O...N...T...R...O...L!!!!!!!! By passing this bill, a system will be in place to eventually control EVERY aspect of our lives, well beyond health care! If the Clean Energy Bill were passed in addition, we would be at the mercy of our Federal Govenment for everything we need to survive, as well as our personal lives.

The National ID Card (regardless of what you call it) is touted as a means to insure that ILLEGAL ALIENS cannot be hired. While THAT aspect of the program is most likely true, the information contained in the chip in the card would expose our sensitive personal information to be used for other purposes, such as tracking our finances (as well as our medical history). Take heed! This is just one more step in the goal for Federal Government control over our lives!

Why the urgency? Obama is assuming that he is a one term President. He also assumes that the Democrats will lose their stranglehold on Congress this fall. He knows that if his health care bill is NOT passed before November, it is likely NEVER to pass! He is more interested in delivering his campaign promise for Universal Health Care than he is in how it affects us and the business community.

Think I am crazy? Do your research! Use the instructions on railroad grade crossing signs...STOP...LOOK...LISTEN! This is monstrosity which will be an albatross which will squeeze the life out of this country and could be the last straw in breaking the back of our financial strength by fueling inflation, further devalue the dollar (by increasing the debt) and make us all slaves to the Federal Government! There are parts of our health care system which need attention and reform. This massive takeover of the system by the Federal Government is NOT in our best interest and WILL NOT resolve issues which deserve reform in our health care system! It promises, instead, to BREAK the BEST HEALTH CARE SYSTEM in the world! NO, not NOW....not EVER!


1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to read what U have to say about the current state of affairs :(
