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Saturday, June 20, 2015


Rev. Hagee published a book about these last year and predicted all types of turmoil being unleashed on Earth upon the emergence of the fourth blood moon on September 28, 2015.  His book entitled "FOUR BLOOD MOONS" is available here
If you want to read his predictions you will find this best seller an easy read, but hard to comprehend.  In this video, Rev. Hagee discusses the phenomena on The Watchman.

With the changing unrest in the Middle East, it is easy to assume that anything can, and most likely will, can happen to change the political face of the region and unleash even more atrocities than we are experiencing with ISIS (Islamic State of Iran and Syria).  Obama has called ISIS "ISIL", which means Islamic State of Iran and the Levant.  That is a significant difference, because ISIL is ISIS PLUS the rest of the heart of the Middle East...INCLUDING ISRAEL, of which the Islamic Nation claims ownership.  This conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is over the same territory.  This blog cannot possibly cover all the intracacies of these conflicts, but the attack on Christians and continued threats from Iran and ISIS to "wipe Israel off the map" is becoming more widespread and threatening.  No peaceful settlement is in sight.

Add to this the element of the FOUR BLOOD MOONS and something significant would appear to be within the scope of possiblity, based on Biblical prophesy and history.  At the end of each FOUR BLOOD MOONS event, a major change has occurred affecting the Jewish nation.  Hagee predicts that such a major event will happen following the fourth blood moon in this series on or just following September 28.  Regardless, a strong case can be made that Hagee is right, but only after the fact will we know for sure.

While we are in the realm of space, we cannot ignore Nibiru or Planet X as it is also called.  If it does NOT exist, there are thousands of people in hundreds of places around the globe who have photographed a bright object in the sky that is NOT on the planetary or star charts!  Even NASA has identified a giant object that was beyond Pluto when first discovered.  NASA has denied that Nibiru is headed into Earth's orbit, and have even denied its existance.  Frankly, NASA does not reveal everything they know and, in some cases, present false or conflicting information or even withholds information from the public.  I, personally, do not trust NASA and everything they tell us.  They claim to be completely above board, but what they have told us in the past does not tell the whole story in every case.  Be that as it may.

IF Nibiru is real, it is giant planet, much larger than Earth, traveling in an eliptical orbit that reaches from a loop arount our Sun to far beyond our solar system.  Events of the past would seem to indicate that it passes by Earth in its loop arount the Sun every 3500 years or so.  While some believe that it may come near us every 350 years, the evidence for the longer orbit time span has more validity.  Exactly when it supposedly will pass through Earth's orbit on its way around the Sun is not known, but it is believed it could be as early as March or April of 2016.  If that is true, Earth will start feeling its effect this September, as it enters our solar system, and it will become increasingly more visible as it approaches.

Venus, as identified by NASA, is highly visible at dusk and for about 2 hours in the evening, before it sinks below the horizon as Earth rotates.  When it first becomes visible at dusk, when viewed through a telescope or high powered binoculars, it appears as a bright, white object, but with a red object next to it, partially obscuring Venus.  This has been observed by many people around the globe, most particularly in North America.  When viewed later in the evening, as it moves north and down in the sky, when viewed through magnification, the red object does NOT appear with it, as has been witnessed by a number of observers.  The speculation is that Nibiru's location is in proximity to the sight line of Venus, causing this phenomenon.  Photographs of the western sky from various points on Earth yield different positions for a red, unexpaainable object.  Join us in watching the skies in the coming months to see what develops in the western sky.  There are too many recorded observations to deny the existance of SOMETHING there that is not normally visible.  Many observers claim that it is getting closer to Earth as the months pass.  If that is true, we are in for a rude awakening at some point in the not too distant future.

Many dedicated observers connect the approachment of Nibiru to this increased activity, which is far beyond the shallow, minor quakes related to fracking operations, sich as in Oklahoma and Texas.  Regardless, the USGS (United States Geological Survey) recognizes increased activity unprecedented in our lifetimes.  Many of these quakes are occurring at the base of long dormant volcanoes and buttes across the western United States, Canada and South America, as well as in other oarts of the globe.  Some of these sites that have been dormant for thousands of years are showing activity and, in some cases, have erupted.  The number of active volcanoes around the world usually stands at a dozen or so.  Actual eruptions (over the period of a month or so) is currently about double that, with activity recorded in as many as 40 or so locations.  As I said, this is unprecedented in our lifetimes.

Over the past several months, activity in and around Yellowstone Super Volcano Caldera has been increasing as the months pass and is at the highest level of activity since it began a couple of years ago.  USGS has added a numbe of new seismic monitorinng devices in wells across the region during the last year.  One dedicated observer, who has accurately predicted areas where seismic and volcanic activity will occur, is Dutchsinse, who was attacked recently by USGS and called a liar for connecting the dots.  I have followed him for a couple of years now, and his predictions are uncannily accurate.  He provides videos of current and past activity via a 3D graphic of Earth, which records all activity in real time, which USGS cannot deny.  From these observations, he makes predictions based upon current activity of areas to watch for activity over the next week or so.  He is right most of the time!  Follow him on Facebook to view his videos and read his releases.

All activity reported by USGS and their European counterpart is found here:

 We are just getting started examining all the various elements worthy of note going on around the globe that we will be covering in this blog series.  Please follow our blog to see all the posts in the series.  You life may depend upon some of the information which we will cover.  It is impossible to cover all details on any of these subjects in a mere blog.  To learn more about each of the topics, you must research further.  Our objective here is only to raise awareness of these various topics and implore upon you to investigate each of them further, so you can be prepared for whatever comes.

On one thing I am certain!  Things on this Earth are changing rapidly and are most likely going to get worse before it gets better.  It is in your best interest to not ignore these events and issues.

Guye Scott
(c) 2915 The Pursang Group

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